REVIEW: Twisted Knight by K. Bromberg

Posted September 23rd, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 5 comments

Twisted Knight by K. Bromberg: Rowan Rothchild has always known that the best place for her to be was behind the desk running her families billion dollar spirits company, the only problem here is the backwards old fashion thinking of her small town and the fact that her family also believes the only place for a woman is in the kitchen. However after the death of her grandmother, Rowan is now more determined than ever to step out from behind her brothers shadow and take her rightful place as the head of the family business, even if her family doesn’t fully support her… well that is the plan if only her stupid brother Rhett didn’t decide to sell of a large chunk of the company to the mysterious tech mogul, Holden Knight.

Holden might no longer be the poor boy from the wrong side of town but his desire to make Rhett pay has only increased over time, starting with taking over the beloved family business, weaving his way into every aspect of the Rothchild family life, including worming his way under Rowan’s skin… the only problem is the between late nights together, constant bickering and banter the line between Rowan and Holden begin to blur… with feelings running high is Holden’s plan about to blow up in his face or will getting the girl be sweeter than any revenge he could have held onto?

LOVED!! I loved this book big time, there was drama, build up, angst and so much of passion in Twisted Knight. This book is a prime example of why I love reading Bromberg’s books, they always deliver, simple as that. This book had me hooked and in a big way, the pinning between these two was just perfection, if ever there was an enemies to lover romance this book would take top spot! The only thing that I did not love was the cliffhanger! Just why would you do this to us Bromberg??

I loved Rowan to bits, she was such a girl boss and I was so rooting her on! Coming from such a backwards thinking town really sucked but our girl was determined to prove anyone that doubted her wrong. She knew her worth and she was not afraid to stand up for herself. I loved that she knew that she had to prove herself at every turn but this did not stop her, if anything it made her more ruthless in pursuing her goals. Yes, she grew up privileged but she still put in the hard work, unlike her useless brother. Now for our hero, simply put Holden just exuded hot boss hero vibes. He was smug and cocky but he wore it well, I liked that while he was cocky he did not come off as annoying. His less than picture perfect past kept him grounded and made his character feel more relatable. Getting to dive into his motives for wanting revenge was heart breaking and I complete understood why Holden held onto this pain for so long. I liked that even through he went in wanting to get even with the Rothchild’s he softened in a lot of ways as the book progressed.

The chemistry between Holden and Rowan was off the chart incredible! The amount of steam, banter and build up was just perfection! I could not get enough of these two and all their banter and the slow pinning. I just ate up their entire enemies to lovers build up with all the jealousy and possessiveness they showed towards each other. While they might have had a more slow burn build up, it was so worth it in the end. Aside from incredible sexual tension, I really liked the banter between them. They both went toe to toe with each other and this made for a really great reading dynamic.

Twisted Knight was absolutely incredible, this book had me hooked from start to end! I desperately need to know how their story ends, these two more than deserve a happily ever after and our boy Holden definitely needs some sort of justice. I cannot wait to get my hands on the continuation of Rowan and Holden’s story, until then I would highly recommend reading Twisted Knight!

Book Info:

Publication: September 24, 2024 | Tor Trade | Tangled Hearts #1

They thought they’d managed to get rid of me once and for all. They thought I’d just forget what they did to my brother. But I’m going to make sure that they never forget. If only I can stop thinking about her.

No one sees me. Behind my brother, I’m a ghost, managing the family business that he claims to run. But I’m tired of second fiddle. I’m tired of pretending. I’m going to take what’s mine. The only problem? Well, he just came back to town.



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