REVIEW: What We Keep by Jennifer Millikin

Posted September 13th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 4 comments


What We Keep by Jennifer Millikin: Their love story was legit what romance novels are written about, I mean what girl doesn’t want to fall in love with the hunky firefighter who saves her from a burning building. And well for a while things between Avery and Gabriel were really good, that is until it all began to unravel on them and much like how the beginning of their love story was so public so became their downfall. Regardless of it all Avery was not ready to give up on Gabriel, even when he was willing to throw in the towel… fast forward two years and Avery finally has her life back on track, writing her book and really just living… that is until she unexpectedly runs into Gabriel. Even after years apart, hurt feelings and stolen choices, Avery cant help but feel drawn to Gabriel… could he has changed and is there still hope for a second chance between the two of them?

Good gosh! What We Keep was a beautifully emotional read, this book was deep and angsty and a true gut punch in the most perfect way possible. I truly did not expect to find myself so emotionally invested in Gabriel and Avery’s story, but gosh once you start this book it is impossible not to get drawn into all the challenges, triumphs and turns that this couple face. I will say that while there were a good number of cute, happy and light moments in this book, the major theme was more emotional and deep.

“You’re always going to be mine, Avery. I’m always going to be yours. I don’t need a piece of paper or a ring to tell me that.” He taps two fingers over his heart. “It’s in here.”

I just loved both of these two main characters, though I have to say my heart really went out to Avery. Our leading lady was so strong and resilient and there were so many moments that I just wanted to give her a big hug. I really liked Avery and how easy it was to relate to her and the way she faced her past and present traumas. She was a strong and resilient woman and I really enjoyed getting to see her grow as a person. I really enjoyed reading the chapters that dive into her therapy and how raw and emotional she got with her healing process. As for our hero, well Gabriel just broke my heart. Gosh this guy stole my heart, broke and then put it back together again in the most meaningful and beautiful way possible. Our hero was flawed but he knew his flaws and he was ready to fix the mistakes he had made and better himself. Truly there is nothing better than a man that can accept his wrong doings and want to better himself and that was our sweet hero. I really liked getting to understand him better in the second part of this book and getting to see that while he was battling his own demons, his love for Avery never wavered.

“All the mistakes that make us human, they’re not ugly. They’re as beautiful as all the pretty things we do.”

I have to say that I am really happy that Millikins wrote this book in two parts and that we got to understand the events that lead up to all the drama in the first part, even though I am not a huge fan of flashbacks in this case it really worked, though it was the second part of the book where we get the duel POV that really made this book for me. We get to see that Avery was not the only one all invested in the relationship, Gabriels actions were done out of love. I really enjoyed getting to see them work through their past issues and coming to understand each others reasons. I loved that we get to see them healing in the second half of the book and realizing that they have to work through all of their issues regardless of how small they might seem if they want to have a healthy happy relationship.

Millikin has done a brilliant job in both creating such realistic and human characters but also in highlighting very real issues faced by normal people in everyday life. We dive into the trauma and emotional upheaval that one faces with losing a loved one, the dangers of alcoholism and the ripple effect that one action can have on multiple people. I truly loved seeing these two characters face their past, work through their issues and find help in therapy.

What We Keep was an emotional read but one of the best slow burn, second chance love stories that I have read in a while. Yes this book will have you weeping but gosh is it worth the heartache. I loved this book and definitely recommend reading it!

Book Info:

Publication: September 5, 2024 | JNM LLC |

Charming and heroic, there’s nothing about Gabriel Woodruff that Avery Burke doesn’t love. His warm brown eyes, his generosity, that small scar above his lip. The newspaper photo of him carrying her from a burning home only adds to the romance of it all.

A fairytale beginning and a picture-perfect marriage practically guarantees Avery and Gabriel a ride into the sunset. But every relationship has flaws, and what they ignored while they were busy being flawless eventually surfaces. The unraveling begins with the smallest tug on the tiniest string.

Their fall is spectacular, the kind that makes the paper.

When the fairytale goes up in smoke, Avery and Gabriel are forced to ask themselves hard questions.

What does ‘for better or worse’ really mean?
Is this their second chance at a once-in-a-lifetime love?
What do we keep, when we lose it all?



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