Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Jane Ashford to HJ!

Hi Jane and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, A Duke Too Far!
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
A Duke Too Far is the story of a penniless duke and a lively young lady who are both grieving the death of the duke’s young sister. Miss Ada Grandison is plagued by haunting memories, and she’s sure the duke can help her find answers to the questions her friend Delia left behind. She recruits three friends and a chaperone and descends on the Duke’s crumbling castle to work on deciphering a mysterious note that Delia claimed would change everything for her family. Peter can’t quite bring himself to believe the tales of treasure he’s heard all his life. As he sees it, there’s no chance of a future with Ada, though he adores her. He won’t subject his wife to penury. With the help of Ada’s friends and a visiting earl, legends begin to unravel.
Please share your favorite quote from the book:
“Sleepwalking was such an odd thing. Almost a kind of magic. As if strange powers wafted one from place to place. And then one woke and found the fairy-tale prince and kissed him and all difficulties disappeared. Ada sighed. She hadn’t quite managed that last part yet.”
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- A is for Ada, a heroine who will never give up.
- D is for a dukedom in ruins, and a young duke who cannot afford a wife.
- T is for treasure hunt, which could make all the difference.
- F is for the future. Can there be one for them?
What do you want people to take away from reading this book?
I hope they have fun!
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: A paperback copy of A Duke Too Far by Jane Ashford
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Do you have a group of friends who would pull out all the stops for you?
Book Info:
For fans of Mary Balogh and Lisa Klepyas comes a poignant Regency romance full of secrets to reveal and a love to fight for from bestselling author Jane Ashford
Peter Rathbone, Duke of Compton, is mourning the loss of his sister Delia, but the work of keeping his family’s deteriorating estate afloat is never done. When Miss Ada Grandison, a close friend of his sister, arrives with a mysterious letter that she claims holds the secret to saving the family home, Peter is skeptical to say the least…his life is about to get even more complicated.
Ada is eager to do whatever she can to help the Rathbones. She brings clues that Delia claimed would change everything for the family and that lead Ada and Peter on a hunt to unravel the past. But they’ll have to face their painful memories—and their true feelings for each other—to discover the truth.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
Jane Ashford discovered Georgette Heyer in junior high school and was captivated by the glittering world and witty language of Regency England. That delight was part of what led her to study English literature and travel widely. She’s written historical and contemporary romances, and her books have been published all over Europe as well as in the United States. Jane has been nominated for a Career Achievement Award by RT Book Reviews. Find her on the web at and on Facebook. If you’d like to receive her monthly newsletter, you can sign up at either of those sites.
Author Website:
Yes, in a way.
Mary Preston
That would be my sisters. Closer than any friends I could have.
Mary C.
Fortunately, yes.
Charlotte Litton
Yes, I have a fantastic group of friends.
Debra Guyette
I did when I was younger but we have since drifted apart in distance.
No, I don’t think I could count on anyone, except for my husband, if I needed help with anything.
Nancy Jones
I do.
Rita Wray
No, not really.
Courtney Kinder
Yes, a few friends I’ve known since middle school.
Teresa Warner
I sure do and I would do the same for them!
Amy R
Yes, I have a few close friends that are there for me.
[email protected]
Yes I do
Karina Angeles
Yes! We’ve gotten into trouble several times…
Jana Leah
Most likely, yes.
Barbara Bates
My Husband, Children and Grandchildren are always there for me. Family is Everything!
Yes, I have a small group of friends who support me.
Lori Byrd
I’d like to think so.
Natasha Persaud
I do not really keep friends. I’m like a great white shark. I swim alone
Lilah Chavez
Not really a group, just 1 or 2
Janie McGaugh
I have a small group!
Nancy Payette
Not so much anymore 🙁
Lynne Brigman
Yes, I do . There are 4 women that I know will get into all kinds of trouble right along with me.
Vicki Clevinger
Diana Hardt
No, not now. I used to years ago, but we eventually drifted apart.
I do have some friends who would be there for me if I needed them
I used to but there’s only one left
Ellen C.
Yes, I do.
Patricia B.
Not really. Sadly. There was never anyone my age when I grew up and in college I was younger than my classmates. As a military wife, we moved frequently. Now we retired to an area where we are outsiders. There have been friends at each stage, but not the deep friendships like these. I am very happy for our daughters because they both have just those types of friends and have stepped in multiple times to help or just enjoy their company.
Meli Zvan
Yes 🙂
Mari Ann
No, I don’t.
Irma Jurejevčič (@IrmaJurejevcic)
I’d like to thinks so, yes.
anna nguyen
yes so important to have a group like this
Daniel M
not anymore, they all abandoned me when i got disabled over a decade ago
Glenda M
Yes. I’m very lucky that way
No, I don’t. But I can always count on my family.
Diane Sallans
family would
No, I do not. Thanks for the chance.
Cassandra D
Yes, I do.
Katrina Dehart
Not really
Terrill R.
I truly do. If not physically helpful, they would do what they could to support me.