Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Makenna Lee to HJ!

Hi Makenna and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Her Second Chance Cowboy!
Hello! I’m so happy to be here.
Please summarize the book a la Twitter style for the readers here:
When an ambitious photographer returns to a small Texas town to secure her world-traveling dream job, a fling with the tied-to-the-land cowboy who broke her heart years ago is the worst thing that could happen…and the best.
Please share the opening lines of this book:
“Would you look at that. My fortune cookie was right. This really is a day filled with creative inspiration.”
From her spot inside a thick copse of cedar trees, Reese Turner focused her camera on the shirtless cowboy working on the roof of what had once been her grandparents’ cottage. When he turned in her direction, her mouth dropped open, and her finger froze. Oh, my holy hotness on steroids.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- The idea for this book came to me when I was researching therapeutic horseback riding for my son who has Down Syndrome. The hero in my book starts an equine therapy program for special needs children.
- A funny scene involving a tarantula came from a teeny tiny spider who perched on a corner of my desk and watched me write for a week.
- I found the page of a 1944 newspaper behind an old photo of my grandmother, and it gave me the idea for the family mystery.
- The hero uses some of my husband’s favorite quirky sayings.
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
Though James finds Reese beautiful, and has since they were children, what truly cuts through his fear of relationships is her playful, kind, and adventurous nature.
Reese discovers there’s more to James than a handsome face. His dedication to the family ranch, the way he treats his grandparents, and his desire to help special needs children are a few of the qualities that steal her heart.
Using just 5 words, how would you describe Hero and Heroine’s love affair?
Powerful, passionate, tender, heartwarming, and enduring.
The First Kiss…
His sexy grin came out to play. “I still owe you the summer that I promised. Care to collect?”
Don’t tempt me, cowboy. “Summer is half over.”
“Half is better than nothing.”
But nothing was a whole lot safer. This called for some time to think. “I should get going. It’s been a long day.”
“We can continue this tomorrow.” James stood, pulled her to her feet, and hand in hand walked Reese to her van.
She opened the driver’s side door, then turned to tell him good night. “Thanks for dinner.” Was that her voice sounding all breathy and wanton?
“You’re welcome. If you come out first thing in the morning, we can get an early start and go for a ride. And work on my great-great-grandfather’s mystery.”
“I like that idea.” Get in, Reese. Drive away. Instead, she brushed a leaf from his shoulder.
His full lips lowered to the corner of her mouth. The caress was gentle. Brief.
The simple, innocent kiss hit a switch inside her. One that hadn’t been tripped since their last kiss, over eleven years ago. One that other men had not managed to tap into. Her entire body warmed, sparking a shiver and a desire to stay, but she needed tonight to gather herself.
Without revealing too much, what is your favorite scene in the book?
Reese stood under the branches of her grandparents’ black mulberry tree, thick with summer fruit. An earthy scent tickled her nose and made her want to feel soil in her hands as she planted something green. She couldn’t believe James remembered the way she used to climb up and sit in the branches to eat the tiny purple berries. And she certainly couldn’t believe he’d dared her to climb it again.
“You still like eating mulberries?” James asked and crossed his arms over his chest.
His playful nature relaxed her and was a fresh change from other men she’d dated recently. “I haven’t eaten any since we left Cypress Creek. It’s not something you see very often.” She tried to bump her shoulder against his, but it only reached the center of his bicep, and he didn’t even sway. He was so…big and strong. A delicious little shiver rolled across her skin. “What made you think to dare me?”
“I just had a memory of watching you barefoot, climbing like a little monkey and tossing berries down to my sister who tried to catch them in a bucket. But I don’t expect you to climb this tree.” He reached up to shake a low limb and mulberries rained down. He caught a few and held them out to her.
“Thanks, cowboy, but they taste better from up there.” She grabbed hold of a low branch, pressed her feet against the trunk, and in no time sat on one of the larger limbs.
“Damn. That was impressive.” With his hat tilted back, he grinned up at her.
His laughing eyes made her pulse flutter. She plucked off a juicy treat and popped it into her mouth, the taste bursting sweet and tangy on her tongue. “Open wide.” She picked another and tossed it.
He caught it easily in his mouth. “I’ll have to remember not to dare you to do anything dangerous.”
“Smart man.” She ate a few more. “These are a nice appetizer, but didn’t you say something about cooking for me?”
“Yep.” He held up his arms like he’d catch her. “Let me help you down.”
“I got it.” She said the words, but her foot slipped on the bark and his big warm hands met the flesh of her thighs, stealing her breath. Hot little charges started to build in her belly. His fingers flexed before sliding to her hips and lowering her to the grass, his chest like a furnace against her back, and she’d swear he smelled her hair. She briefly considered resting her head against him, but she could not get swept into a full-blown romance.
If your book was optioned for a movie, what scene would be absolutely crucial to include?
The scene where James reads to Reese shows his tender side and makes her realize what they have might be more than just hanging out for the summer.
He reached for her book, opened to page one, and started reading aloud. “Snow was falling the first time she saw him…”
And there went another piece of Reese’s heart.
She stretched along his side and curled one arm and leg across the long length of his body, lost in his voice as he read. She’d asked him to tell her how the story ended, but he’d started on page one.
The beginning.
For years, the idea of him had been stowed away and held with care. That secret spot was unlocking. He intrigued her mind with his thoughts, rocked her body with his touch, and charmed her heart, piece by piece. The sting of happy tears and an unusual contentment startled her.
Now, he appeared to be searching for a path to her soul.
How will I walk away when the time comes?
Readers should read this book …
If you enjoy a love story that involves the value of family history, listening with your heart, and the power of forgiveness with a touch of mystery, I hope you’ll let my book give you a bit of an escape from the real world.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
My next release, A Sheriff’s Star, is coming from Harlequin Special Edition November 1, 2020. It is the first in a series called Home to Oak Hollow. It’s the story of a single mother of a little girl with Down syndrome. This book is very close to my heart and dedicated to my son who has made me appreciate the little things in life. The second book in the series is about a man who becomes the guardian of his autistic nephew. It releases in July 2021. I’m currently writing the third book that will be available in November of 2021.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
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Excerpt from Her Second Chance Cowboy:
“What kind of job do you want?”
His deep voice made her think of things unrelated to work, more along the lines of long kisses and…
She pressed her fingers to her forehead to stop the disobedient thoughts. “I’d like a job where I can travel the world. With freedom of expression. And lots of adventure.”
“Too bad you have absolutely no idea what you want.” One dimple appeared to tease her. He took off his hat, put it in his lap, and ran both hands through his dark hair until it was bed-head mussed and sexy. “Tell me more about these adventures.”
Needing a second to sort out all the inappropriate comments she was tempted to say, she pretended a string on the hem of her cut-off denim shorts needed to be yanked off. “I imagine belly-crawling through the brush to get a shot of some exotic animal. Trekking through the jungle or hiking in the mountains. Camping under the stars to capture the moon. Stuff like that.”
His pupils dilated, and he ran the tip of his tongue along his bottom lip. “I can help you with the camping and stars.”
A shiver coursed through her, and she tugged on the neck of her vintage Joan Jett concert T-shirt. Camping…with James. Reese couldn’t find the right words to respond to his offer. “I just want to do what I love. Wow, I sound really spoiled.”
His deep laugh spoke of understanding, not judgment. “No, you don’t. Life’s too short not to do what you love. Like eating dessert first.” He leaned forward in his rocker, his hand almost touching her knee. “Want to see more?”
“More?” Her stomach flipped, and his nearness had her thinking about relieving him of his shirt again.
“The inside.” He hitched a thumb at the cottage door, a grin caught behind his teeth.
“Of course.” Get your head out of the bedroom, Reese. She’d almost forgotten why she came, lost for a time in his emerald eyes and soothing voice.
He stood and offered a hand.
Although tempted to feel the warmth of his sun-burnished skin, she changed direction mid-movement and put her hand on the chair’s arm to push herself up. She couldn’t read too much into his invitation to visit the farm or his flirtation.
Care had been taken on the inside of the cottage as well. She trailed her fingers over the worn wooden countertops, familiar scrapes and markings acting as a door to her past. Reese blinked rapidly against tears as images flickered in her memory. “Grandmother taught me to cook right here. I can almost smell her chicken and dumplings. And my granddad built these countertops.” She traced a scar in the wood, making her finger tingle and flex with memories of kneading dough and cutting biscuits.
“Knew there was a reason I kept them.” He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and then snapped his hand to his side like he’d done it without thinking.
His brief touch triggered a quick flutter of pleasure, and she smiled so he’d know his touch was welcome, even though it was dangerous to her self-control. After a measured breath, she moved to the fireplace in the living area and splayed her hand on the stone with an inclusion of quartz in its center. The one she’d once believed was a doorway to a fairy’s home.
“We were at your grandmother’s funeral,” he said. “But I don’t think you saw me. I remember how sad you looked. You and your parents were packed up and gone a few days later.”
The memory of loss pinched her heart with residual pain. A tear escaped, and she bowed her head to hide it.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He stepped closer and hesitated.
Reese gave his arm a quick squeeze. “I’m fine. Thank you for taking such good care of my memories. If it weren’t for you, this place might be falling down.”
“You’re welcome.” His tone had brightened, the compliment puffing up his voice like a peacock. “What else would you like to see?”
“The loft. When we moved here, we turned it into my bedroom.”
“Let’s check it out,” he suggested.
She followed him up the steep stairs and barely contained a squeal of delight. “This is wonderful.”
He’d enlarged the back window into an A-frame wall of glass, showcasing the stunning view of the rolling hills, trees, and sky. A round table and four chairs sat in front of the view, and built-in bookshelves ran along two walls.
“I got my love of books from my grandmother. She had stacks of them everywhere and would’ve been so happy with a room like this.”
“Good. I read a lot, too.”
“I can tell.” Reese bent to read the spines of a stack of books on the table. “Dungeons & Dragons? Are these yours?” She straightened and almost laughed aloud at the endearing cock to one side of his upper lip, like he’d frozen mid-word or been caught looking behind the Dungeon Master’s screen.
“You caught me. I’m a nerd.”
She found it absolutely adorable that this tough, muscled cowboy played D&D, and she wanted to see him dressed in a wizard’s robe. “Do you have parties and do quests?”
He barked a laugh and shoved his hands in his pockets. “It’s not really a party, and it’s called a campaign. You might have many quests within a campaign that can last for months.”
“From what I’ve been hearing, it’s become more and more popular. I suppose D&D is a modern version of poker night. What’s your character?”
“I’m the, um…Dungeon Master.”
“A man in control. That’s fitting.” Giving him time to recover from his blush, she traced her finger over the rows of books on the shelf and reached for one that caught her eye, but she stopped when he called her name.
“Look up here.” He pointed to the skylight.
“Nice. It’s bigger than the old one. My bed was right under it, and my grandmother said the moonlight would make me beautiful.”
The air stirred as he stepped behind her. “It worked. You’ve always been beautiful.”
They weren’t touching, but she could feel him. The heat of him. The pull of him, like gravity. The way he made her feel things she hadn’t felt since their time together all those years ago. Unable to stop herself, she stepped back until her shoulder brushed his arm.
AC/DC’s “Back in Black” blared from the phone in his pocket, and she wasn’t sure if she was relieved or wanted to smash it to bits.
“Excuse me. Work call from my lead ranch hand.” He answered on his way down to the living room. “What’s up, Ty?”
She went back to the bookshelf, pulled out the one that had caught her eye, and flipped it open. Her breath hitched. Her name was written inside the front cover. It was her copy of The One for Her. The book she’d left in his truck in high school. She still didn’t know how the book ended. An unsolved mystery, much like the cowboy downstairs.
He kept my book all these years.
Excerpts. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
Wealthy cowboy, James MacLachlan, is content running his massive family ranch and starting an equine therapy program for special needs children. After his mother died in childbirth, and witnessing his father’s destruction at the loss of true love, James sticks to casual affairs. Marriage and children are risks he won’t take.
Reese Turner visits Cypress Creek, Texas, to complete a photo assignment for National Geographic and buy back her grandparents’ cottage. After disastrous romances, she’s sworn off men to focus on her career. Marriage and the babies she longs for can wait. When she runs into an old flame, she decides she can live out a fantasy, then leave town to pursue her dreams.
But love doesn’t play by the rules…
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Goodreads |
Meet the Author:
Makenna Lee is an award-winning romance author living in the Texas Hill Country with her real-life hero and their two children. Her oldest son has Down syndrome and taught her to appreciate the little things. He inspired her first Harlequin book A Sheriff’s Star. Her writing journey began when she mentioned all her story ideas and her husband asked why she wasn’t writing them down. The next day she bought a laptop, started her first book, and knew she’d found her passion. Makenna is often drinking coffee while writing, reading, or plotting a new story. She enjoys renaissance festivals, nature photography, studying herbal medicine, and usually listens to Celtic music while writing. Her wish is to write books that touch your heart, making you feel, think, and dream. She writes for Harlequin and Entangled Publishing and believes everyone deserves a happy ending.
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Lori Byrd
Mary C.
The British Isles
Jennifer Shiflett
Anna Nguyen
new zealand where lord of the rings was filmed
I would like to visit Australia, Mexico and Europe:)
Jana Leah
Nancy Payette
Traveling the world sounds fabulous. Beautiful cover.
I would like to go to the United Kingdom.
Audrey Stewart
I want to retire to Montana.
Onyinye Elochukwu
I would love to go to Belize.
Shannon Capelle
Texas Book Lover
I’d love to go to Scotland!
[email protected]
I want to travel to each state in the United states..I love my cowboy books and can’t wait to read this.
There are actually a lot of places I want to go, but Bora Bora would be first on the list.
Kelly D
I would like to visit Ireland.
Vicki Clevinger
Scotland, my great grandfather was born there
Karina Angeles
A tour of Scotland, England, and Ireland.
New Zealand
Amy Donahue
I would love to drive across the USA.
I want to go to New Zealand and experience he beautiful nature and go off the grid for like a week or two. =)
Mary Preston
London tops my travel list.
I’d love to tour England, Scotland, and Ireland.
Chelsea B.
To Maine and Massachusetts to see my best friends <3
Nicole (Nicky) Ortiz
I’d love to go to Scotland
Thanks for the chance!
Pamela Conway
Would love to visit Hawaii, Ireland, Italy, Greece, even Atlantic City!
I would love to visit France
Charlotte Litton
I’d love to see Ireland
Tina R
I want to visit Scotland.
Ellen C.
Jeanna Massman
I would love to visit Germany.
Nina Lewis
French Riviera!
Jolanda LovestoRead
Would love to go to Australia! <3
Debra Guyette
I would love to visit New Zealand
courtney kinder
Diana Hardt
Hawaii and Spain
Lori R
I would love to go to Ireland.
Rita Wray
I would love to go to St. Croix on vacation.
Kathleen O
Australis is at the top of my bucket list
Amy R
Where in the world would you most like to go? Italy
I worked with a woman from Switzerland. Her pictures were beautiful. I’d love to see several of the cities , the countryside and the Swiss Alps.
Marisela Zuniga
I would love to visit spain one day
Joy Avery
The Aurora Borealis Observatory in Norway
Pammie R.
Ireland and Hawaii. But after visiting those places, it would be great to return to the best place on Earth. Wyoming.
Debra Branigan
I have been wanting to visit Australia andNew Zealand.
China, Japan, Korea. Just so exotic in my eyes. 🙂
New Zealand
I would love to visit Australia and New Zealand.
Kay Garrett
If money was no object and given the opportunity, I would love to travel to all the national parks in this great country of ours. There is so much beauty and wonders to see in our nation.
We in recent years have seen the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Glacier, Mt. Rushmore, and the Badlands. This year we were to have seen all the wonders in Utah, but that had to all be cancelled. I fear that age and health may prevent us from seeing them all, but if the economy and the health of the nation improves, I’m sure going to give it a shot to keep going as long as I can photographing as much as I can for memory sake..
2clowns at arkansas dot net
Glenda M
The list of places I want to travel is huge! It’s easier to say that I want to travel around the world. 😉
Barbara Montag
I would so love to go to Australia!
Thank you
Anita H.
A European vacation to France, Spain, Italy, Ireland and England in on my wish list
Daniel M
i have no desire to go anywhere
Colleen C.
Weirs Beach New Hampshire
Angela Smith
Ireland or Australia
Patricia B.
For starters, Ireland and Scotland. The list after that is very long.
I would love to go to Canada.
I’d love to visit Scotland.
Cassandra D
I would like to go to Tahiti.