Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author June Faver to HJ!

Hi June and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Hot Target Cowboy!
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
His loyalty is to his family.
But his heart belongs to her.
Eldest son Colt Garrett is the biggest, strongest and steadiest of the Garrett brothers. Colt accepts his responsibilities, knowing his future is tied to the land. Colt has stayed centered-but when he falls in love, he falls hard. He is mesmerized by Misty Dalton, the younger sister of one of his brother’s friends.
Misty Dalton has held together a family plagued with problems since her mother passed away. But when the threats to her family turn deadly, Misty turns to Colt. If anybody wants to hurt Misty, they’re going to have to go through the toughest of the Garrett boys first.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- The terrain: North Texas, where the Garrett brothers live and work, is totally flat. It’s known for having “miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles”. The highways are long and straight as an arrow. But it is fabulously rich farming and grazing land.
- The family: The Garrett family is very tight. The patriarch, Big Jim Garrett has amassed a great deal of prime ranch land and he is intent on making sure his three sons will follow in his footsteps. Indeed, the Garrett sons are fiercely dedicated to their family and to the land, but they must follow their hearts when it comes to love.
- The cowboys: Colton Garrett, the oldest of the three brothers, is steady and dependable, but he loses his heart to Misty, a beautiful young woman who is up to her neck in trouble. Always a hero, Colton steps up. His brothers, Tyler and Beau close ranks to support him, and eventually, Big Jim comes around, overcoming his initial aversion due to Misty’s family history.
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Excerpt from Hot Target Cowboy:
Colton Garrett was late.
He hated to be late for anything, but most especially anything having to do with his father. He could already see the disapproval in ‘Big Jim’ Garrett’s eyes and hear his huff of impatience.
As the oldest of the Garrett sons, he was somehow expected to set a good example for the others. To be perfect, it seemed.
Colt heaved a sigh as he pulled his truck in at the auction barn and located a parking space. He knew his dad would already be there with his youngest brother, Beau.
Colt climbed out of his truck and stomped through the unpaved parking area, roiling up a layer of dust on his freshly polished boots. He frowned, realizing he would have to give them another shine if he planned to go to the weekly dance at the Eagles’ Hall in Langston that evening.
Friday nights were meant for dancing and an end to the seemingly endless toil of keeping up with the sprawling Garrett ranch.
Colt entered the auction barn, looking around for his dad. The smell of fresh hay and animals mingled with Texas dust. A familiar aroma to a working cowboy.
“Hey, Colt!” Evan Burke greeted him. “Going to be at the Eagles’ tonight?”
“You betcha,” Colt responded. “Hey, have you seen my dad?”
He’s on the other side of the show barn, inspecting some stock. He was lookin’ for you earlier.”
“Yeah, I imagine he still is.” He gave Evan a clap on the shoulder and strode off to meet his fate. Not that Big Jim was anyone for his sons to fear, but he had a way of expressing his displeasure that left the unfortunate offender with no doubt as to their shortcomings.
Colton was six foot four, like his dad and had the shoulders of a line backer. Making his way through the milling crowd was slow going, but at least, he could see over most of them, He started when he heard a feminine yelp.
“Watch it!!”
He had smacked into someone and turned just in time to grab her before she rebounded onto the ground. He was staring into the face of the most beautiful female he had ever laid eyes on, much less held in his arms. “Um, sorry,” he said.
She made a growl in the back of her throat. “Honestly! Colton Garrett, you need to watch where you’re going. You could kill a girl just by stomping all over her.”
Perplexed, he gazed into her dark eyes, seeking some recognition, but was unable to place this lovely young woman. “I didn’t mean to step on you…Uh, do I know you?”
She huffed again. “Oh, for Pete’s sake. Of course you do.” She pushed away and gave him a scowl before tossing her long dark hair and striding away.
Colt gazed after her, certain the long-legged beauty hadn’t been in his graduating class in school. He would have surely remembered.
She was tall, with legs up to her neck. Colt couldn’t stop staring as her rear moved with each step in her faded Wranglers. She wore a sleeveless western shirt that snapped up the front and showed off her slim, but well-toned arms to advantage. Now he was standing in the milling throng of, mostly male, farmers and ranchers with a hard-on like a horny teenager.
Colt swept off his Stetson and held it waist high while he raked his fingers through his hair to cover his state.
But he couldn’t tear his gaze from the unknown female.
Her long straight hair had been topped with a white straw cowboy hat, and she wore an attitude as though she had a permanent case of ‘get-the-hell-away-from-me’.
Colt couldn’t think of any particular girl who disliked him. In fact, most of the local girls had fallen all over themselves to make sure he was aware they found him attractive and totally desirable as a boyfriend. Of course, that had to do with the size of his father’s ranch. Girls who grew up in ranch territory, knew that God wasn’t making any more prime Texas real estate, and a future heir to a considerable hunk of that land, would have made him popular no matter what.
Being a Garrett in this part of the world was generally thought to be a good thing. Why this particular girl didn’t think so was a puzzle to Colt. But he had no time to find out.
He followed along in the direction the mystery girl had taken, all the while keeping an eye out for Big Jim or Beau.
The latter individual hailed him with the wave of a hand. “Hey Bubba.”
Colt cringed at the nickname. “Don’t call me that,” he admonished.
His youngest brother gazed up at him, the intense blue eyes, a Garrett characteristic, twinkling with mischief. “How about mud? That’s what I’m thinking your name is. You better go make nice with Dad. He sent me to find you.” He grinned. “Or, I should say, to ‘see if you had gotten your lazy ass out of bed yet’.”
Colt shook his head. “I’m in trouble?”
“Not so much. Dad’s got his eye on some horses. He wants your opinion.”
“Me? He wants my opinion?” Colt placed his hand on his broad chest.
Beau gave him a shove. “Don’t be an ass. Of course he does. The opinion of the lowly little brother counts for nothin’…but you…” He gave Colt another nudge. “You da big expert.”
Colt grinned, emitting a wry chuckle. “And you da lil’ bro who gets off easy.”
Beau raised his brows. “You think it’s been easy growing up in your shadow?”
Colt grunted. “You think it’s been easy breaking ground and paving the way for you two losers?”
The brothers kept up their good-natured teasing as they strolled toward the show barn.
Colt put his Stetson back on his head and looked around. “Hey, do you know who that girl is up ahead? The one with the long dark hair?”
“And that bodacious backside?”
They both stared at the aforementioned rear with due reverence and fascination.
“Yup, that’s the one.”
“That, big bro, is Joe Dalton’s little sister. None other than the lovely Misty Dalton. What do you think? Pretty hot, huh?”
Colt felt as though he’d been sucker-punched. Joe’s little sister. “Why haven’t I seen her around before?”
“Roll your tongue back in your head, Colt.”
Colt took a long look. “She knew who I was, but I couldn’t place her.”
“You were graduating and going off to college when she hit high school. No reason you would have noticed her as a freshman.”
“Shut up.” Colt snapped.
She walked with a certain graceful bearing that he found appealing, like a queen among her subjects. Head high, back straight. Her wide-set dark eyes flicked around the crowd as though she, too, searched for someone.
Colt felt a tug of something he was surprised to recognize as jealousy. “Do you know if she’s going with someone?”
Beau gave him a sharp glance. “Man, you’re not kidding, are you? Is this a case of that ‘love at first sight’ thing I’ve heard about?”
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Meet the Author:
June Faver loves Texas, from the Gulf coast to the panhandle, from the Mexican border to the Piney Woods. Her novels embrace the heart and soul of the state and the larger-than-life Texans who romp across her pages. A former teacher and healthcare professional, she lives and writes in the Texas Hill Country. Find her at
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Mary Preston
Sounds like my kind of read. A great post and I love the cover.
The riskiest thing I’ve ever done is have and raise 4 children. It’s a leap of faith. I was an RN at a Children’s Hospital. I saw some scary, sad situations.
Sorry for my first comment . It should go with KG’s post.
I like family sagas. Colt sounds like a strong, dedicated and honorable man. Misty sounds like a formidable woman; intelligent, determined, honorable… a perfect match!
Lori R
This sounds really good!
Debra Guyette
Ih ave never red anything by this author. I would love to change that.
I love the cover and the book sounds really good.
Chelsey Reed
Sounds great, love the cover!
Kathleen O'Donnell
For me it was the first time i went on vacation by myself. It opened up my confidence.
Sue C
Debra Branigan
What’s the riskiest thing you have ever done? You win! I only went to Seattle from across the sound to meet a guy as a surprise at the airport. We just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary!
Amy R
Sounds good, love a good cowboy book.
Rita Wray
Sounds like a good book.
I like to read stories with cowboys in them. This one sounds really good.
Teresa Williams
Sounds wonderful..Love this author and these kinds of books.
Colleen C.
Ooh I want to read more!
kim hansen
Hitchhiked across the US in the 90’s all by myself.
Daniel M
took a crappy job instead of a better one should have listed to my gut better
Joanne B
This sounds like my kind of book. Can’t wait to read more. I’ve never really done anything risky.
Banana cake
I have do or die cowboy the first book in this series on top of my dresser right now.
The riskiest thing I’ve ever done is move to another country.
Barbara Bates
Took a chance on a cute redheaded boy who asked me to dance. That was 50yrs ago and we are married for 47yrs. I found my best friend and soulmate that night!
Tammy Y
Sounds great
Nicole (Nicky) Ortiz
Love Cowboy books
Thanks for the chance!
Mary C.
I quit a job without having another lined up.
I always play it safe, so nothing really! Thanks for sharing!
Jana Leah
I moved across the country with very little money & without a job to an area where I didn’t know anybody.
I havent really done anything risky except zip lining! Love cowboy books with action and adventure in them!
not much
Glenda M
Nice! I want!
The riskiest thing I have ever done is move across country for a job.
Jen B
Sounds good, I’d love to read more.
Joy Tetterton Avery
I love cowboys! This sounds good.
Debra Shutters
Sounds good love the cover 🙂
Wow! That’s amazing! Good for you. I dove off a high bridge, it took a lot of courage or stupidity depending on how you look at it! Thank you
Gail V.
Sounds like a great book. Cant wait to read. Love books with cowboys
Lynne Brigman
Sounds like a great read. I love books about cowboys.
Patricia B.
Being the oldest of six siblings, I can relate to Colton’s comments. It makes me wonder if June Faver is an oldest child herself. More is expected of you and setting an example is something of which you are constantly reminded. We have driven through Texas and there are certainly long stretches of wide open rangeland. I will certainly enjoy this one.
Linda Herold
I hitch hiked once a long time ago.