Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Maggie Wells to HJ!

Hi Maggie and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Play for Keeps!
Please share your favorite scene from Play for Keeps:
My favorite scene in Play for Keeps is the opening. In my opinion, it shows exactly who Millie Jensen is: determined, opinionated, fierce, protective, and willing to sacrifice a pair of Jimmy Choos to get the job done.
When Ty Ransom’s world is turned upside down by an embarrassing scandal not of his making, public relations spin master Millie stops just shy of breaking and entering to make sure her friend and colleague knows he is not alone.
Millie Jensen rapped on the tinted glass sliding door off Ty Ransom’s patio until her knuckles ached, refusing to let up. This time, she added a threat for good measure. “Ty, if you don’t open this door in the next ten seconds, I swear I’ll throw a chair through the glass.”
He couldn’t hear her, of course. The glass was the super-duper insulated kind. The type to not only repel the elements, but also empty threats and spin doctors in the midst of mild coronary failure. She cupped her hands around her face, pressed her nose to the glass, and peered into the gloomy room. The dark, combined with a vaulted ceiling, gave the space a cavernous appearance. Caught in the flickering light of the television, oversized furniture cast hulking shadows on the walls. She peered at the screen. A pair of talking heads yammered at one another. The National Sports Network logo anchored the scrolling ticker at the bottom of the screen, but the latest scores were taking a back seat to big-time gossip this night.
She was about to call to him again when she saw the display on his phone light up with the incoming call. “Don’t you answer that!” she shouted through the glass.
He didn’t even check to see who was calling, much less answer. Tyrell Ransom, head coach of Wolcott University’s men’s basketball team, sat sprawled in a massive armchair parked in front of the screen, his long legs akimbo. The hand that held the phone dangled over the arm of the chair. Millie squinted, wishing she’d chosen high-beam night vision as her super power when she’d clicked through the latest “Choose Your Super Power” internet quiz. The second the call clicked over to voicemail, she turned the meaty side of her fist to the glass and began to pound with all her might.
At last, the shadowy figure stirred.
Millie pounded harder, urging him to hurry up and unfurl his long, lanky frame. He rose from the chair so slowly, she almost shouted again. Instead, she held her breath as he approached. Each step he took was deliberate. His gaze never left her. A part of her—the part she liked to keep tamped down tight, because her impulses tended to get her in trouble—admired the lithe grace of his movements. No doubt this man was an athlete. Once, an elite one. He was still a man in his prime, even though his days in the spotlight were long behind him.
He narrowed those startling amber eyes and peered down at her through the glass door as if she were a specimen on display. Falling back on old habits, she snapped to full military attention before meeting his questioning gaze. Her father had been a master sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. It took a helluva lot more than one sulky, washed-up basketball giant to intimidate her.Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
When I set out to write Play for Keeps, I wanted to portray Millie as a sort of real-life superheroine. She is strong and unflinchingly loyal, but she is also flawed. Like all superheroes, she has a weakness: she is convinced she has all the answers.
So, when life throws a curveball into Ty and Millie’s evolving relationship, she has to decide whether she has the guts to ride out a new spin on her own life story.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: Print copy of PLAY FOR KEEPS (Love Games, #2) by Maggie Wells.
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Tell me, if you could choose your own superpower, what would it be?
Book Info:
Mixing business and pleasure is a dangerous game…
Tyrell Ransom, the new men’s basketball coach, is ready to whip his team into shape and start winning some games. But when compromising photos of his soon-to-be-ex-wife with one of his players go viral, everything comes crashing down. With reporters thick on the ground, Ty and his team need some serious damage control—now.
When public relations guru Millie Jenkins arrives in her leopard-print cape to save the day, things really heat up… Soon they’re going to have to work double time to keep their white-hot chemistry out of the headlines.
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | IndieBound
Meet the Author:
By day, Maggie Wells is buried in spreadsheets. At night she pens tales of people tangling up the sheets. The product of a charming rogue and a shameless flirt, you only have to scratch the surface of this mild-mannered married lady to find a naughty streak a mile wide. She has a passion for college football, processed cheese foods, and happy endings. Not necessarily in that order. She lives in Arkansas.
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Mary Preston
I’d love to be able to manipulate time. Very useful and fun too.
Anita H.
I would love to be able to have teleportation as my superpower, that way I won’t ever have to be late for anything and getting around would be so much easier!
Debra Guyette
I would like the power to heal. But I could only use it occasionally.
Cheryl Hastings
I don’t like to fly, so teleportation would be very cool!
I would like to be invisible
I would like to be all knowing to be able to tell and prepare for future events and know if people are good or bad.
Susan McClintock
Mary C
Amy Rickman
Multiply myself so I could do many things at once.
The ability to read minds or communicate with animals, I think.
Daniel M
healing, any injury illness condition
Joye I
Fly like Superman
Joanne B
I’d like to hear peoples thoughts.
Rachael Constant
Hmm tough choice. Maybe healing abilities
Martha Lawson
a healer.
Teleporting, it would be SO awesome to not get stuck in traffic or long flights, lol
Teresa Williams
Absolute Intelligence
Awesome answers! Thanks so much for reading and playing along!
I would like to be able to read minds.
jodi marinich
the power to heal
Shannon Capelle
Id love to have the power of teleportation so i could travel anywhere anytime i wanted too!
I would like to be able to teleport to avoid the hassle of traveling.
If I could cheat, I’d be exactly like Wonder Woman 🙂 But if I have to pick *one* I’d probably want to be able to heal or fly 😉 thanks for sharing!
I would want to spread world peace. Short of that I would want to be invisible.
Does time travel count? If not super speed so i could get more stuff done and do it faster.
Amanda Thompson
Teleportation. I hate driving lol
The power of healing.
Kathleen O
Be able to teleport myself around the world.
Colleen C.
Talk to animals
I would be able to transform myself into anybody or anything! Wow, that would be fun…. Thank you
Tammy Y
Time travel
Banana cake
To heal people