Spotlight & Giveaway: The Enforcer by Abigail Owen

Posted December 9th, 2019 by in Blog, Spotlight / 15 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Abigail Owen to HJ!

Hi Abigail and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, The Enforcer (Fire’s Edge #3)!

Hey There Romance Reader! Thanks so much for joining me today…

Please summarize the book a la Twitter style for the readers here:

A dying dragon shifter is a dangerous thing. Especially.

Please share the opening lines of this book:

Fire raged below Drake in glowing streaks across the greens and tans of the California countryside, black smoke billowing into the blue skies. The heat couldn’t reach him here where he hovered, a useless observer thanks to daylight hours. Damn his blood-red scales that made it impossible to not be discovered when closer to the ground. At least the scales on his underside reflected the sky above him, allowing him to camouflage this high up. As every dragon shifter could do.


Please share a few Fun facts about this book…

  • This series crosses over with my Inferno Rising series. Readers familiar with both will recognize Skylar Amon as a character who is big in Inferno Rising (or is about to be). This gives a little snapshot of what she’s been doing all this time.
  • Drake is my tough-guy, grumpy hero and was a hoot to write against optimistic, chatterbox Cami.
  • Dragon shifters, if they don’t make by a certain age, start to age faster, their bodies degenerating in different ways. Drake’s aging has come on early.
  • There is an entire scene set in Yosemite because my editor found this gorgeous image for the background of the cover. (It helps that dragon shifters love mountains and Yosemite is pretty damn awesome.)
  • I always pop a few new paranormal creatures into each book in the series. Just for fun for me. This one has a rat shifter and a ghoul. The ghoul especially was a fun scene to imagine.


What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?

Partly there is a drive to find your fated mate, but of course the heroes and heroines always resist that.

For Drake, Cami is a fighter. She shows no fear, of him in particular. Given his growly nature, most people steer clear, but not Cami. In fact, she challenges him. Consequently she brings a lightness into his life he’s never had, as well as trust.

For Cami, who is all about family, Drake becomes her center. His steadiness gives her impulsive nature a home base. And he teaches her to look before leaping.

Using just 5 words, how would you describe Hero and Heroine’s love affair?

Seemingly forbidden, but damn tempting.

The First Kiss…

Despite the fear pumping adrenaline through her system, she gazed at him with wide eyes that showed an inexplicable trust that grated against him like a sandpaper sponge bath.
“What are you going to do to me?” she whispered.
Almost like she was daring him.
“You’re a mate,” he said.
“Mates are like catnip to my kind—an obsession, a driving urge to find our own. What if I took you now, claimed you, pushed my fire into you?”
Her lips fell open on a silent gasp, but fear didn’t reflect back at him even still. “You’d kill me if you aren’t my destined mate.”
So, someone had at least warned her of the deadly consequences should the wrong man try to turn her. Had she listened? He squeezed her wrists a little harder, pressing into her so she couldn’t mistake the heavy cock pressing into her belly. “Yes.”
“You’d lose a part of your soul as well,” she pointed out.
He allowed his lips to tip up in what he fully intended to be a menacing smile. “Perhaps it’s worth it.”
She stared back at him for a long minute. Then, suddenly, her heart quieted, her breathing slowed, her body relaxing under his. “Go ahead.”
She was fucking daring him. Inside his head, his dragon growled, but not a warning, more like approval. The animal side of him liked this woman.
That scared the hell out of him enough to have him fighting the foreign urge to scramble off her.
When he said nothing, she tipped her head. “Just like I thought. All bark.”
Bulls facing off against a matador in a ring dealt with less provocation than this woman was daring to throw at him.
“You talk a good game,” she continued. “But you won’t hurt me.”
Irritation spiked and swirled with a rushing need that had gripped him since the second she’d stepped in front of him in the hangar and he’d recognized her.
Drake slammed his mouth over hers, his kiss both full of frustration, but also determined to frighten her into some semblance of self-preservation. He kissed her harshly, wildly, even as he continued to pin her to the bed.
Except she didn’t whimper or turn away or struggle. Instead, Cami opened her mouth and licked the full seam of his lips, demanding entrance.
Gods help him, he opened, tangling his tongue with hers, reveling in the give and take. Her flavor melted across his tongue, sweet and tart at the same time, imprinting on his mind.
A glow vaguely penetrated his senses behind his closed eyes, followed by a burst of heat that seemed to be originating from her.
Almost as fast as it happened, Drake jerked back with a hiss, staring at a glowing spot under her white tank top. The source of the heat.
Definitely a dragon mate. Which meant off-limits. Another shifter’s mate.
With a groan he rolled away from her, flopping to his back, and flung an arm over his eyes, doing his damndest to convince his dick to get its head out of the game. “You need to get out of here.”

Without revealing too much, what is your favorite scene in the book?

“How are you feeling?” she asked. That sultry voice, no longer scratchy with smoke, filled the room, caressing his skin.
Drake battled with his body. It would not do to shock her with a raging erection that was sure to be evident given the flimsy sheet covering him. At least he was still in his utility pants and shirt.
She doesn’t remember you anyway, asshole.
When he didn’t answer she narrowed her eyes. “My name is Camilla Carrillo,” she tried again. “Do you remember anything?”
When he didn’t answer again, she lifted a single unimpressed eyebrow, and he couldn’t help a stirring of curiosity. Women tended to run from him, not hold their ground and regard him with a mixture of blasé pseudo-concern.
“You yelled at two of the other women who tried to take care of you,” she said. “Scared the crap out of them. Remember that?”
Drake’s eyes narrowed as he tried to access any memory before flopping to the floor in front of her like a fish on dry land. Nothing. Drake held his breath and wished her anywhere but next to him on this bed.
Oblivious to his sour thoughts, Cami reached to put a hand to his forehead.
Only he slapped it away before she could touch. “I’m fine,” he said on a growl.
Cami scowled, not remotely intimidated. “Then speak up and say so.” She backed off, but not much and muttered a word that sounded suspiciously like pendejo.
“I am not an idiot,” he muttered.
“Yeah?” The word burned with her scorn. “Do you have any idea how long you’ve been out? Two days.”
That explained why he had to piss so damn bad.
“Or is your default setting asshole?” she continued. “I’m trying to help you, and I don’t scare as easy as the others.”
Apparently, she already had him pegged. Drake grunted, then pushed up to sitting, hating the way his arms shook with that small task, a weakness that had him mentally swearing at the muscles. Hiding a grimace, he leaned against the rounded wall of the cave which served as a headboard for the mattress. The cool of the stone seeped through his thin shirt and into his skin, sending a shiver racing through him.
He scowled. Dragons didn’t shiver. They were impervious to cold.
Cami must’ve caught a nuance in his expression, because she narrowed her eyes. “You’re not okay, are you?”
She reached out again, and this time he didn’t stop her from laying her cool hand against his forehead, though he had to stop himself from leaning into her touch. She tsked. “You’re burning up.”
“All dragon shifters burn,” he said.
Cami shook her head. “No. I think this is different.”
“Because you’d know.”
She ignored his heavy sarcasm. “I should go get Rune.”
Drake shifted under the sheets that seemed determined to remain wrapped around his feet. “I’m surprised he left you alone with me.”
“He didn’t want to, something about you being a scary motherfucker. His words. He needed to sleep after flying all that way, and, after the yelling, and throwing a pillow—” She paused and shook her head at him the way a school teacher might scold a small student who’d thrown a pencil. “None of the others would come near you.”
“You should’ve listened to him.” Only he got the sense she wasn’t fully comprehending his words, whether willfully or naively he wasn’t sure.
“You were out cold.” She gave a negligent shrug, only confirming his concern. “And weak as a newborn giraffe, if I miss my guess. I’m safe enough.”
That new born giraffe comment rankled and had him biting back an irritated growl. Did this woman have no sense of self-preservation?
In a swift move, he grabbed her by both wrists, rolling so that he lay on top of her, holding her hands over her head, pinning them against the bed in a forceful grip, weighing her body down with his own. He had to hide how that small move had him breathing hard, though. He glared at her as though nothing was wrong. “I’m not out cold now. Am I?”


If your book was optioned for a movie, what scene would be absolutely crucial to include?

All of them? Lol.

I would say the scene at the end when Drake and Cami finally mate just before the dragon shifters coming to take her away arrive and they have to fight their way out. That scene goes from connection and tension (and steamy sexy times) to battle royale, and is pivotal for them as a couple.


Readers should read this book …

If you love… Dragon shifters (need I say more?). A dying alpha hero with nothing left to lose. A sassy heroine who doesn’t let him get away with anything. Inherent danger thanks to the dragon shifter world imploding. Chemistry that burns up the pages. And mates that are fated to save each other.


What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?

I am just finishing the first draft of book #3 in the crossover Inferno Rising series. Book 2- The Blood King–is done and releasing August 2020. I’m also in edits on The Demigod Complex–originally a novella self-pub’d–Entangled has picked up the (renamed) Devil’s Advocate series and we’re making them even better before releasing the originals and adding more. Also set in the dragon shifter world!


Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: 5 ebook copies of THE BOSS – Book #1 in the Fire’s Edge series!


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: My hero, Drake, is dying because he hasnt’ found his mate in time to stop a rough, rapid aging. He leaves his team to save them the trouble of having to care for him. While I think you’ll understand why when you read it, if I were in his shoes, personally, I would do it differently. Have you heard Tim McGraw’s song “Live Like You Were Dying”? That’s how I would want to spend my remaining time on earth. What would be on your list of experiences and life to live before you go?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from The Enforcer (Fire’s Edge #3):

“He may be one of the best fighters I’ve ever seen, definitely the best tracker, and loyal to a fault to those he considers family. But…he’s not exactly easy.”
“You mean he’s a stubborn, argumentative ass?” Cami asked. She dropped to sit on the mattress, tempted to take Drake’s hand. “I figured that out already.”
And strangely sort of liked that about the guy. Weird.
“He’d rather be left the fuck alone.” Drake’s dark voice curled around her, drawing her gaze down to his face and setting her heart off on a dead sprint.
Shit. How much had he heard? She didn’t dare glance at Rune. “You’re awake. Again.” She almost rolled her eyes at such an inane comment. Obviously, he was.
Drake didn’t bother to answer, turning those unusual reddish-brown eyes to Rune. “What is she still doing in here?”
Rune shrugged. “Somebody has to care for your decrepit butt, and apparently she doesn’t mind your scowling face.”
“I kind of like it, actually,” she said.
Cami almost laughed as Drake’s expression descended into the exact scowl Rune had described. Fearsome, off-putting. She should run a mile if she was smart.
But she’d come here with a total stranger who told her he was a dragon and she would be one too someday. Smart went out the door a while ago.
“She talks too much,” Drake said.
“She is sitting right here,” she pointed out with starch in her voice. “And she thinks you don’t talk enough. If you are in pain or about to pass out…” She gave him a significant stare. “Then damn well speak up.”
“I don’t need a nurse.” He gritted the protest between clenched teeth.
“No?” Cami was the one to challenge that idiotic statement.
“Not yet, dammit,” he snapped. “I’m not on my deathbed, yet.” He glanced over at Rune. “I take it you told her.”
Maybe he hadn’t heard too much.
Rune nodded.
Drake returned his glower her way. “I don’t want the others knowing what’s wrong with me.”
“They couldn’t exactly miss you passing out,” she said in a dry voice.
That only served to deepen his glare which he kept trained intently on her until she huffed a sigh.
“Fine.” She lifted up one hand and made a zipping motion across her lips. “Soul of discretion right here.”
“I don’t want your help, either.”
“Too bad.” If she was going to figure out if they were destined mates, no way was that going to fly. Besides, the man wouldn’t take care of himself. Like every strong, independent, manly-man of her experience, being sick was a thing to be tolerated or ignored, not actually dealt with. Two years ago, her father had practically keeled over from pneumonia when he’d insisted he was fine and worked through a cold that turned to bronchitis, then filled his lungs with fluid.
Men. Most of them deserved an eye roll or three.
“Did we finally find someone who’ll put up with your shit?” Rune chuckled. “I can see you’re in good hands.” On that pronouncement he headed for the door.
Drake levered to his elbows. “Don’t you dare—”
The door closed behind Rune with a quiet snick, and possibly another dark chuckle from the man as he walked away down the hall.
Drake turned his glare her way. “I don’t want you in here.”
“Okay.” She got to her feet.
His eyebrows shot up.
She had to hide a smile. “I do have better things to do than watch you sleep.” Not really, but he didn’t need to know that. “I’ll check on you later.”
“Don’t bother,” he called as she followed Rune’s example, closing the door on his words.

Excerpts. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

Death comes for everyone. Even Drake Chandali. The aging process that twists all unmated dragon shifters’ bodies into something useless has taken hold of his body centuries early. A mate could have reversed the process, but now it’s too late. To protect his team of enforcers, he leaves, and comes face to face with the woman he’d thought was human when he saved her from a fire months before.

Except she’s not human. She’s a mate.

Camilla Carrillo almost lost her family to wildfire. To discover she’s fated to mate a creature made of flame and rage, and become one herself, should be terrifying. But somehow a rightness settles inside her, especially when she’s around the glowering red dragon shifter who wants nothing to do with her.

When Drake learns Cami bears his mark—the same mark as the High King—he refuses to believe she’s meant to be his. It’s too late. How could he turn Cami only to take her with him to the grave? At the same time, he can’t walk away. Hiding her from the corrupt, rotting High King might be the last honorable thing Drake ever does with the little time he has left.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Goodreads |

Meet the Author:

Multi-award-winning paranormal romance author, Abigail Owen, loves plots that move hot and fast, feisty heroines with sass, alpha heroes with heart, a dash of snark, and oodles of sexy shifters! Other titles include wife, mother, Star Wars geek, ex-competitive skydiver, spreadsheet lover, Dr. Seuss quoter, eMBA, organizational guru, Texan, Aggie, and chocoholic.

Abigail grew up consuming books and exploring the world through her writing. She attempted to find a practical career related to her favorite pastime by earning a degree in English Rhetoric (Technical Writing). However, she swiftly discovered that writing without imagination is not nearly as fun as writing with it. Abigail currently resides in Austin, Texas, with her own personal hero (who she totally married!) and their two children, who are growing up way too fast.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | | Instagram |



15 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: The Enforcer by Abigail Owen”

  1. Lilah Chavez

    I want to be able to see the ruins of my ancestors and meet them in person, not the dead ones , but my relatives from far off places

  2. Pamela Conway

    Definitely travel to all the places I wanted to see & rent a house right on the beach, my favorite place to be.

  3. Joy Tetterton Avery

    I would show my son my bucket list. Then get him to make his own so we can do things together for him to hold on to when I’m gone.

  4. Anita H.

    Traveling to Japan and Europe (Italy, France, Spain) and visiting with out-of-town family and friends.

  5. Amy R

    What would be on your list of experiences and life to live before you go? travel and see a few places I’ve always wanted to go to