#Giveaway Day 13: #HJBOOKMAS Extravaganza!

Posted December 25th, 2020 by in Blog, BookMas, BookMas, Features, Giveaway / 46 comments

Welcome to Harlequin Junkie’s 6th Annual Reader Appreciation #BOOKMAS EXTRAVAGANZA!


From Naughty to Nice and Everything in between….


HJ’s Bookmas Extravaganza is our annual celebration of YOU, our loyal and engaged readers of Harlequin Junkie blog and the romance community.

Thank You for all you do; for all the tweets, re-post, shares, comments. We <3 You!


On the 13th Day of #Bookmas…

WaterBrook an Imprint of Penguin Random House gave to me…a chance to win: (5) Copies The Librarian of Boone’s Hollow by Kim Vogel Sawyer 

In the spotlight today…


A preview of upcoming WaterBrook Publishing 2021 titles:


From This Moment by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Release Date: February 23, 2021

A lost ring brings together two wounded souls–a youth minister haunted by the past and a spunky church custodian—in this heartwarming romance from the bestselling author of The Librarian of Boone’s Hollow.

Growing up in the foster care system, Jase Edgar always dreamed of one day starting his own family. But his fiancée’s untimely death shattered his plans. Moving to Kansas and serving as a youth minister should be a fresh start, but he can’t seem to set aside his doubts about God’s goodness long enough to embrace his new life.

Newly-appointed church custodian, Lori Fowler is battling her own challenges. Her strained relationship with her father and her struggles with overeating convince her she’s not worthy enough for love. When an Amish weaver enlists their help locating the owner of a ring found among the donated clothing she uses as fabric, Jase and Lori find themselves drawn to each other. But will they be able to release the past and move forward from this moment into a joyful future?
The Shell Collector by Nancy Naigle
Release date: May 18, 2021

A touching novel of love and loss, a friendship that crosses generations, and learning how even the smallest gifts can change a life for good, from USA Today bestselling author Nancy Naigle.

Amanda Whittier had no idea when she said goodbye to her husband, Jack, the morning he deployed that it would be the last time she’d ever see him. Two years later, she’s still trying to put her life with their two children back together. She buys a tiny beach cottage in the town near where they’d wed, and what comes next is as unpredictable as what the tide brings in.

An unlikely friendship with an older woman who has lived there her whole life puts a new lens on Amanda’s situation, and Amanda begins finding shells with quotes in them that seem to guide and inspire her to face her fears. She uncovers local lore about these shells from as far back as thirty years ago that gives her purpose as she chases the stories behind them.

One shell leads her to someone she hasn’t spoken to since the day she laid her husband to rest. As their friendship unfolds, Amanda begins to believe that he just might hold the key to her future happiness.
No Journey Too Far by Carrie Turansky
Release Date: June 8, 2021

A family separated, a missing sweetheart, a hidden trunk, and a journey across the ocean all in the name of love–the epic saga of the McAlisters continues in the riveting sequel to No Ocean Too Wide.

For ten years the McAlister family searched for their younger sister, Grace, who was lost to them when the three siblings were taken to Canada as British Home Children in 1909. Now eighteen and ready to enter Toronto society and marry, Grace longs to find her birth family. When she discovers an old trunk in the attic with information about her birth family, will she be brave enough to follow the path to uncover her past?

After serving in World War I, Garth McAlister returns to Canada to be reunited with his sweetheart, Emma, and to search for his missing sister, Grace. But Garth and Emma’s happy reunion is cut short when Emma is accused of a serious crime. Can Garth find the evidence showing the prejudice against Emma as a British Home Child and ultimately proving her innocence, or will she be lost to him once more? Will Garth find Grace and succeed in reconciling their broken family?
Freedom’s Song by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Release Date: September 14, 2021

When Fanny Beck, an indentured riverboat singer held captive beyond her term by a captain unwilling to lose his most lucrative entertainer, is swept overboard in a storm, she is presumed dead by the crew. In truth, she is rescued by a band of escaped slaves. Believing they will be safer traveling together, the intrepid group heads north from Missouri, the slaves desperate to reach a free state and Fanny determined to make it to New York. To pay for their passage, Fanny sings at stage stops along the way.

In the meantime, while his boat is being repaired, the captain searches for a new singer. When he hears about a woman performing at stage stops, he realizes it’s Fanny. He sets off to find her and force her to return to his riverboat.

Fanny’s funds run out and she is forced to take a job as a housekeeper and nanny just long enough to earn money for the purchase of train tickets to New York. She doesn’t expect to fall in love with her small charge, Annaliese, or the child’s father, Walter Kuhn. Though Walter has no interest in marrying again, he faces a conflict of the heart when the captain appears and tries to take her back to the riverboat.

With Fanny and Walter’s lives—and hearts—intertwined, will they be forced to give up their dreams in exchange for a future together?
The Librarian of Boone’s Hollow by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Addie Cowherd is a year away from completing her teaching degree at the University of Kentucky in Lexington when she receives word that her adoptive father has lost his position at the Georgetown Citizens Bank. Already behind on tuition payments and desperate to help provide for her parents, Addie accepts the only employment she can find—delivering books on horseback to poor coal-mining families in the hills of Kentucky.

But turning a new page will be nearly impossible in Boone’s Hollow, where residents are steeped in superstitions and deeply suspicious of outsiders. Even local Emmett Tharp feels the sting of rejection after returning to the tiny mountain hamlet as the first in his family to graduate college.

As Emmett struggles to find his place and Addie fights to be accepted, the two of them become caught up in a decades-old rivalry that threatens to destroy the fledgling library program and any hope the Boone’s Hollow folk have of restoring the fractured relationships in their community.
About WaterBrook publishing
WaterBrook publishes books in the areas of practical life, motivation and inspiration, devotional and gift books, relationships and parenting, biography, memoir, topical Bible study, and spiritual formation along with captivating works of fiction and children’s books. Multnomah publishes books in the areas of discipleship and spiritual growth, Christian living, Bible study, apologetics, theology, devotional, evangelism, leadership as well as children’s books and works of uplifting fiction.


Giveaway 1#: (5) Print Copies The Librarian of Boone’s Hollow by Kim Vogel Sawyer

*Ships to US mailing address.


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Leave a comment with your thoughts on the books spotlighted here, tell us which one(s) grabbed your attention & why?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


BONUS GIVEAWAY: Manuscript Critique (Maximum 50k words; worth $500 USD)

Is your dream to write a romance of your own? Do you want to take your writing to the next level in 2021?

Award-winning Harlequin author and writing coach Jennifer Hayward, whose books have been published in 31 countries and 25 languages, is offering a manuscript critique so you can put your best foot forward in your next submission. (Maximum 50k words; worth $500 USD.

To Enter: 

  • Leave a comment below (Reference Manuscript Critique)  
  • Entrants must have a partial or full manuscript ready to submit by 01/31/2021.

Enter Daily to increase your chance of winning.

One winner will be chosen by author Jennifer Hayward from entries submitted 
between Dec 13 to Dec 31 2020.

Be sure to stop by everyday from Dec 13 to Dec 31 2020 for a chance to win: Box-O-books, Gift Cards, Audio books, Signed book bundles, A Manuscript Critique, Author Swag & more!

46 Responses to “#Giveaway Day 13: #HJBOOKMAS Extravaganza!”

  1. EC

    All books speak highly of deep emotions and personal issues that the characters found themselves in. Very insightful reads.

  2. EC

    All books speak highly of deep emotions and personal issues the characters are going through. Very insightful reads.

  3. Leeza Stetson

    All of these books seem to revolve around loss of one kind of another. It’s always interesting to learn how different people deal with that. I also found that the covers grabbed my attention.

  4. Diana Hardt

    All the books sound good and they all caught my attention because of the emotional issues the characters of each book are going through.

    • carol L

      I have to say that all of them for my attention.. I’m looking forward to reading them. Thank you for another group of great reads.

  5. Lori R

    Nancy Naigle’s book caught my attention because of the cover and I am familiar with this author too.

  6. Lori Byrd

    From This Moment by Kim Vogel Sawyer because of the comment about overeating. I also struggle.

  7. Pammie R.

    Re: Manuscript Critique

    Day 13
    At one time in my life, I dreamed of writing a sci-fi novel, then a mystery novel. What I ended up writing was a romance novel with cowboys. Everything I write seems to be about life in small town Wyoming.

  8. Crystal

    The book covers all grabbed my attention but I think my favorites are what I am talking about I have no favorites. I would love to read and review all these books in print format. Why? I think each book and book cover has a unique, interesting, and intriguing way about them and I just love trying all books and judging them that way. I’m an avid reader.

  9. diannekc

    They all look like great books. Looking forward to reading “From the Moment”, “The Shell Collector” and “The Librarian of Boone’s Hollow”.

  10. eawells

    All of these books seem to focus on loss of one kind of another. It’s always interesting to learn how different people deal with that. I liked them all but especially want to read The Shell Collector by Nancy Naigle as I love her books.

  11. Jana Leah

    The Librarian of Boone’s Hollow – I just love stories involving libraries/librarians.

  12. BookLady

    What a wonderful collection of books! The Librarian of Boone’s Hollow caught my attention, because I enjoy reading books about libraries and librarians.

  13. Venetia

    These books all sound great, but The Shell Collector grips me the most as being intriguing. The idea of reading all these puzzling little messages to come to an awakening in the end that could change your life is really interesting, indeed! Keeping my to win!!

  14. flchen1

    These historical settings seem a little off the beaten path–I’m intrigued!

  15. rkcjmomma

    Love Nancy Naigle books! This one looks and sounds just as good as the rest of hers!!

  16. Patricia B.

    What a wonderful selection of books. They all appeal. Several deal with often little know parts of history. OtThe others deal with important times in our lives where we must deal with difficult life changes. Seeing how others deal with these issues can help people view their situation differently and maybe deal with it a bit better. I live in NE TN, not that far from the setting of The Librarian Of Boone’s Hollow. I was a children’s librarian here and the subject of the librarians on horseback that serviced remote areas in Appalachia. I have been wanting to read some of the books that have come out about this period.

  17. smcmahon19

    The Shell Collector – I loved the cover. Also, it reminded me of the beach where I spent my summers growing up.☘️

  18. Charlotte Litton

    They all look great, Nancy Neigle is the only author I’ve read.

  19. Vicki Clevinger

    They all sound really good, I really enjoyed what I read about Song In My Heart

  20. Dianna

    Thrilled to see that you’re featuring Kim Vogel Sawyer and Carrie Turansky — love their books!! I want to read From This Moment. Beautiful cover!

  21. lavendersbluegreen

    Freedom’s Song looks interesting. I like that it highlights the plight of the indentured servant and had her escape and align with escaped slaves. I look forward to the read.