REVIEW: A Colton Kidnapping by Justine Davis

Posted May 31st, 2024 by in Blog, Harlequin Mills&Boon, Review, Romantic Suspense / 4 comments

A Colton Kidnapping by Justine Davis is the sixth book in The Coltons of Owl Creek series. If you have not read any of the previous books, you can jump into the series here. Prior to this book, I had only read the very first book in the series. I didn’t feel like I was missing any information or backstory about the characters, so I will say you can read this as a standalone.

This book features Greg Colton and Briony. They were best friends with Rick and Wendy, but when tragedy strikes, they must unite to take care of Rick and Wendy’s two children, Justin and Jane. Before long, it becomes clear that what happened to Rick and Wendy may not have been a simple accident, and that the children could be in danger. As the rest of the Colton family bands around Greg, Briony, and the children, they need to get to the bottom of the mystery before tragedy strikes again.

As a warning, this book is atypically sad for a romance novel. Greg and Briony grieve the loss of their friends while the children grieve the loss of their parents, even though they are too young to really understand. I thought the author does a good job with describing how Greg and Briony handled the children’s questions and how they walked them through their grief. I also thought she does a good job of building up the relationship between Greg and Briony; while they had been friends with the couple, they had not been friends with each other. They form a bond through their grief and love of the children, and it happens at a believable pace.

The book once again showcases the closeness of the Colton family. Not one of them hesitates to step in to help Briony and Greg, and they treat Justin and Jane like one of their own from the get-go. I enjoyed seeing their close bond in the first book of the series and was happy to see that it continued in this one.

The only issue I had with the book was that it feels repetitive at times. It wasn’t enough to take away from my overall enjoyment of the story, but I feel like some people may not enjoy that.

A Colton Kidnapping is a touching story with sympathetic characters, some suspense, and a lot of heart. It will make you sad, it will make you laugh, and it will make you root for Greg, Briony, and the children to create a family none of them had expected to have to make.

Book Info:

Publication: June 25, 2024 | Harlequin Romantic Suspense | The Coltons of Owl Creek #6

They had nothing in common—Briony, a shy accountant, and Greg, a gruff Colton rancher. But after the death of their two best friends, Briony and Greg become uneasy guardians of the couple’s two children. When the children’s dangerous grandfather tries to gain custody, the two new parents know they must get married to protect their found family. Can Briony and Greg save the children—and also their hearts—as they grow closer together?



4 Responses to “REVIEW: A Colton Kidnapping by Justine Davis”

  1. psu1493

    Sounds good. I always enjoy reading about the Coltons. Thank you for the review.