REVIEW: Before We Grow Old by Clare Swatman

Posted February 4th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, Review / 6 comments


Before We Grow Old by Clare Swatman: When Will reconnects with Fran after 25 years, they’re both amazed and nervous to find that their adolescent sweetheart love hasn’t died for a second in the time they have spent apart. And despite being warned to be careful with her own heart, having lost so much when Will’s dad moved him and his brother Jim to Australia, Fran is helpless to falling instantly back in love with him. In fact, after all of that time, she never really stopped. And similarly, despite being married and having a young daughter, Fran is likewise Wills’ one true love.

Sadly, for both however, time is working against them and as Will informs Fran that he has terminal brain cancer, it feels like the world is about to collapse in on itself for eternity. And if that wasn’t enough, as Fran and Will set out to achieve a bucket list of sorts that they had co-created when they were 17, more than one bombshell is dropped. With multiple twists in a relatively straightforward plot, this incredible tear jerker will leave you feeling desperate to live everyday like it’s your last and to hold tight onto everyone you love and cherish.

From beginning to end, this British romance drama was constructed within an inherent pragmatic realism that enabled it to become a truly cathartic novel about love. Essentially, despite tackling some serious life and death issues, deep rich abundant love sat at its centre, that was only made the more poignant and powerful given the limited time that surrounded it. Thus, Fran and Will were forced to live everyday like it was their last ensuring that when Will left the world he truly had no regrets. And whilst there weren’t any wild and ridiculous safari like adventures, there were enough little micro-thrills to maintain credibility and awaken both characters to the monotony of the lives they were both living before they reconnected.

Punctuated by flashbacks from Fran’s youth, Before We Grow Old will leave you heart-sore and reaching for the tissues, as their story, their love and the future they don’t get to spend together sings home reminding us all that we need to treasure every moment with those we truly love.

Book Info:

Publication: 19th January 2022 | Boldwood Books |

Some people are just made for each other…When seven-year-old Fran first met Will they knew instantly that they were made for each other. For eleven years they were inseparable, but then, at the age of eighteen, Will just upped and disappeared.

Twenty-five years later Will is back.
Is fate trying to give them a second chance?

Still nursing the heart break from all those years ago, Fran is reluctant to give Will the time of day. The price Will must pay is to tell the truth – the truth about why he left, the truth about why he’s back…

And Fran has her own secrets to hide. The time has come to decide what Fran and Will really want from life – before it’s too late.



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