REVIEW: Dating the Rebel by Lisa Childs

Posted December 15th, 2022 by in Blog, Dare, Harlequin Mills&Boon, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 2 comments


Dating the Rebel by Lisa Childs: Miranda Fox is in the business of happily ever afters and helping people find their perfect match. However the last person she expect to land up at her door asking to join her dating service is Grant Snyder. There is no possible way that Miranda is going to sign on the worlds biggest heart-breaking playboy, no matter how good looking or charming Grant might be.

Grant will do just about anything to keep his baby sister safe even if that means signing up for a dating service just to help keep an eye on her. But just imagine his surprise when Miranda rejects him as a client, after not even wanting to join the dating service Grant makes it his mission to prove to Miranda that he can be the perfect date for any woman. And just maybe even her perfect guy.

I loved this book! This was the perfect addictive read, one that I could not put down. The chemistry between Miranda and Grant was insanely hot and their back and forth banter only added to their inevitable spark. I absolutely loved Miranda, she was definitely the type of female lead that was relatable and easy to root for. As for our hero Grant, there was definitely something alluring about him but I think it was his never back down attitude that really made him such an enjoyable character.

Dating The Rebel was definitely a favorite for me, this book will have you hooked right from the very get go and keep you entertained as this couple get up to all the mischief under the sun!

Book Info:

Publication: January 1st 2021 | Harlequin Dare | Liaisons International #2

One of them is bluffing.

One of them is playing dirty.

And now they’re playing a high-stakes game where the only way to win is by losing everything…

Miranda Fox is speechless. How exactly did Grant Snyder get hotter? Fortunately, she’s a long way from the rebellious teen who was secretly in love with her best friend’s big brother. And there’s no way Miranda is signing Grant up for her ultraposh Liaisons International dating service. No matter his charm. No matter his mouthwatering hotness. Nope. Because Grant Snyder plays the most dangerous kind of game—the kind that breaks hearts.

Grant’s only out to protect his little sister from her troublemaking bestie. He doesn’t actually want to be one of Miranda’s clients—until she rejects him. Now Grant’s made it his mission to prove he’s not just the perfect date, but he’s also the perfect guy. But Grant’s professional gambling instincts tell him that Miranda and her curves are one dangerously irresistible risk!



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