REVIEW: Her Irresistible Protector by Michelle Douglas

Posted July 31st, 2014 by in Blog, Harlequin Mills&Boon, Review, Romance / 2 comments

Her Irresistible Protector by Michelle Douglas: Natasha “Tash” Buckley had not grown up in the lap of luxury to say the least. Her scars weren’t the most visible kind, unless you took out her heart to see all the scars, tears and other painful reminders. Then at 17 she thought she fell in love and with him all the old hurts would heal. 20523687Then she learned never to love or trust again.

To Mitchell King there was never any doubt in what he was doing things were clearly black and white, right or wrong. He hadn’t always had the best childhood and really should be one to know that what you saw on the outside wasn’t always what was really going on. His parents and then his teenage years should have shown him that, however he was still a black and white guy.

When Tash and Mitchell come together after eight years and one life altering incident later neither one expect the spark to still be present. What’s more neither can explain the flame that comes from that spark. But after a few days trapped in a cabin with little contact from the outside world they both start to realize what’s on the outside isn’t the whole picture.

Ms. Douglas takes the reader a pretty serious roller coaster ride. It seems like every time you know what’s coming or even that we have just been told the whole story there is something else that pops up and shakes the world yet again. Both Tash and Mitch are flawed in ways that most people hopefully never are and never have to be, but in many ways that makes them more real and makes you want them to both be happy even more.

Keep an eye open for twists and be aware this is the start of a series and now I’m impatiently waiting for the second story.

Book Info:

4SPublication: July 1st 2014 by Harlequin Romance Series #4431

Are you here to arrest me, Officer King?”

When Officer Mitchell King—her ex and the only guy Tash Buckley has ever loved—arrives on her doorstep, claiming she needs his protective custody, Tash is more concerned by the heart-fluttering, pulse-racing effect he still has on her!

Confined to Mitch’s beachside cabin, Tash finds it increasingly difficult to resist her delicious protector….

The Wild Ones duet continues with The Rebel and the Heiress, available next month!



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