REVIEW: Here For The Cake by Jennifer Millikin

Posted May 2nd, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 8 comments


Here For The Cake by Jennifer Millikin: Spending the week on the beautiful island that your grew up holidaying at should be a dream come true for digital marketing superstar Paisley Royce. Well it would have been had the reason for this weeklong getaway not been to attend the wedding of her ex boyfriend who happens to be marrying her younger sister. If this wasn’t already set to be a super uncomfortable week for Paisley, everyone seems hellbent on reminding her of her single status. Which is how she finds herself making a crazy deal with her college fenemy and aspiring author Klein Madigan. All Klein has to do is pose as her loving boyfriend for the week and in turn Paisley will help kick start Klein’s social media presence to attract a prospective publishing house. Between all the wedding drama, family drama and more than a few scorching hot kisses the line between faking it and actually falling in love begins to blur… could this week away actually be the start of the perfect storybook happily ever after…

LOVED!!! Here For The Cake was absolutely incredible, I loved every single moment of this super cute fake dating romcom. This book reminded me exactly why I love reading romcoms; it was cute, funny, filled with steam and some good old drama. I also really liked the cute and playful cover and title.

I think that it would be safe to say that Klein is one of the sweetest heroes out there, this guy was just book boyfriend goals. Not only was he a writer and knew how to wield his poetic words but he knew that he had hurt Paisley’s feelings all those years ago and he was determined to undo his harm words. I loved that he was so ready to help Paisley even if that meant his own heart was in danger of getting crushed, he was genuinely a really nice guy. Klein was a true gem and I loved getting to see him defend Pais when no one else would. Now for our leading lady Paisley, I just wanted to give her a big hug. This girl really is the floor, and boy did my heart go out to her. Its not easy having to carry around the burden of keeping everyone in the family happy, I was just so glad to see her finally stand up for herself. I loved seeing her grow to value her own self worth and finally put herself first, it was truly incredible seeing her stand up to both her father and sister. Genuinely I loved Paisley not only was she funny, sassy but she was a total girl boss.

The chemistry between Klein and Paisley was incredible! I loved that their relationship had a sense of the second chance trope laced into it, most of all I loved the way they made sure to right their first dismal kiss. I really liked the way that they supported each other and formed a friendship even after being out of each others lives for so many years. The line between fake and real between these two blurred so perfectly, I loved seeing them falling for each other as they tried to fake it in front of the Royce family.

There were so many interesting supporting characters in this book it was hard to find a favorite. I will say that I loved Klein’s sister, mother and nephew, they all just highlighted exactly what a family should be like and I loved how welcoming they were to Paisley. Now for the Royce crew, well I loved Paisley’s grandmother and her lack of a filter, but really thats where it stopped for me. As much as I tried to want to like Sienna I just couldn’t, she broke major girl code by dating her sisters ex and then doubling down by asking Pais to be her maid of honour. Also I just didn’t like the way she handled the entire wedding week, her attitude sucked and she was very pushy. As for the groom, well Shane was a total tool, no class what so ever, truly Klein should have punched him at one point. Though I will say I did like the way things ended with Paisley and her family and that try finally realised how they made her feel.

There was just something about Here For The Cake, this book just had classic romcom feels and I loved every single moment of it! I definitely highly recommend reading this book!


Book Info:

Publication: May 2, 2024 | JNM LLC |

A week on an island sounds like the stuff of beach dreams, but for Paisley Royce, it’s a nightmare. Her little sister is marrying her ex-college sweetheart, and Paisley is serving as maid of honor. To add insult to injury, nobody will let Paisley forget she’s single.

Bachelorette weekend changes everything when she runs into her old college frenemy, Klein Madigan.

Klein is still intelligent and funny, and somehow time has only made him more attractive.

Paisley is Klein’s ‘one that got away’, not that he’d ever admit it to her. A colossal misstep (and one terrible kiss) in college sealed their fate.

Or so they thought.

Klein’s an aspiring author allergic to social media. Paisley owns a digital marketing agency.

A brilliant plan is hatched: A trip across the country for a week of faking out her family in exchange for her firm marketing his work.

One hastily scrawled and signed contract on a bar napkin later, Paisley and Klein embark on a journey of tension, only one bed, and fake dating shenanigans.

Paisley’s goal is to survive the week.

Klein’s plan is to enjoy the sun, sand, and wedding cake.

But then there’s a scorching kiss to make up for that bad one in college.

And another kiss in a lighthouse during a thunderstorm. A gentle palm on Paisley’s lower back, and a reassuring hand squeeze under the table.

Everyone is convinced Klein and Paisley are the real deal, but as the week wears on, they begin to wonder if the only people they’re kidding are themselves.



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