REVIEW: If You Never Come Back by Sarah Smith

Posted August 30th, 2020 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance (Short), HJ Recommends, Novella, Review / 3 comments


If You Never Come Back by Sarah Smith: Shay and Wes meet on Valentine’s day and their connection is electric, so much so that the two take a chance on the other and have a whirlwind romance. Everything has been looking amazing that is until it is no longer is, you see Wes ups and leaves without any reason. Turns out Wes has been hiding a bit of information from Shay, but before she is given a chance to work things out with him, Wes leaves. Having her heart stamped on Shay throws herself into her art and tries to harden her heart.

“I’ve never fallen for anyone this fast, this hard before. I love Wes, and I want to mend this rift between us. I want to make everything better. All I want is him.”

Finally everything begins to settle down, with her career finding its legs and her heart finally starting to feel less battered, things are starting to look up for Shay. That is until Wes reappears one year to the day that they first met. Fully armed to win Shay back, Wes pulls out all the stops to prove that he is back and this time he plans on staying. However no matter how perfect Wes is acting now, Shay cant help but be more guarded this time round. But will Wes finally be able to prove himself?

“He moves his lips against mine and there’s a jolt to my chest. It’s so powerful, I grip the arm of the sofa to steady myself . My chest swells and thumps, and then I freeze. This can only lead to one thing: a reminder that I loved him once and I’m liable to love him again if I let myself get too close to him…like now.”

I loved Sarah Smith’s first novel so I was super keen to read her second book, and let me tell you this novella did not disappoint. Sometimes novellas can feel a little rushed but I have to say Smith has done a brilliant job of taking us on this emotional journey. If You Never Come Back was the perfect combination of sweet, steamy, heart breaking and romantic.

I instantly loved Shay, not only was she such a sweet and cute character but she is an artist. I absolutely loved watching Shay grow into her own. I will say that at one stage I wanted to give Wes a slap but he did redeem himself at the end. Shay and Wes were definitely a couple that I found myself rooting to get back together.

I would definitely recommend all romance lovers to pick up a copy of this second chance romance, you will no doubt struggle to put this book down! I can not wait for the next book by Sarah Smith, Simmer Down.

Book Info:

Publication: June 9th 2020 | NYLA |

I hate Valentine’s Day for one reason and one reason only: Wes Paulsen.

He came into my life like a wrecking ball one year ago today. After an incredible night together, we were inseparable for months. I’d never been happier in a relationship—neither had he. We were just starting to build a life together when everything changed…

Turns out Wes was hiding things from me—big things. I wanted to work through it, but he walked out, never giving me—never giving us a chance. I didn’t know how I’d be able to get over him, but I threw myself into my art. After months of working nonstop to escape the memories of Wes, my career’s finally taking off and what do you know—Wes walked back into my life. Once again on Valentine’s Day.

One year to the day that we met.

I’ve spent six months hardening my heart. It should be easy to reject him, to tell him I’ve moved on. But he’s doing everything—and more—to win me back. He’s being the boyfriend I’ve always wanted. It’ll take everything in me to resist him—I’m not even sure if I can. But I’ll sure as hell try.



3 Responses to “REVIEW: If You Never Come Back by Sarah Smith”

  1. EC

    I look forward to more Sarah Smith books.

    Thanks for the wonderful review, HJ!