REVIEW: Just One More Night by Caitlyn Crews

Posted June 17th, 2021 by in Blog, Dare, Harlequin Mills&Boon, HJ Recommends, Review / 1 comment


Just One More Night by Caitlyn Crews is my second foray into the Harlequin Dare series. Apparently , it will be my last since there was a message at the end of this novel that stated the line would be ending and recommended readers turn to the Harlequin Desire line. In my humble opinion, that would be like going from a X rated movie to a R rated one.
Indiana Marsh certainly doesn’t “meet cute” when she comes across Stefan in a Budapest alley and he holds a gun on her. Despite that, she follows her hedonistic spirit and spends a scorching night with him. Stefan gives her the means to meet him in Prague two years hence and wonders if she will show up.

Indy is definitely portrayed as a wild child that has traveled all over in the pursuit of fun. Her sister is the perfect daughter and Indy is the “black sheep” of the family. She possesses a huge amount of sex appeal if all her exploits are to be believed.

Stefan is shown to be a dangerous man. The reader is never told what his business is, but that makes him even more dark and mysterious. With all the passion he displays, there is a soft center that Stefan tries to hide.
This novel is #2 in Summer Seductions by Caitlyn Crews. She is a new to me author. Her talent lies in crafting erotically charged scenes that may leave the reader a bit breathless, too. In this book it is hard to decide who is seducing who, the hero or heroine.

I loved the location of Prague. It is always fun for me to explore more exotic locations through reading fiction. If you want something to spice up your days and nights, pick up a copy of Just One More Night before it’s gone.


Book Info:

Publication: May 25, 2021 | Harlequin Dare | Summer Seductions #2

He’s claiming her…
One night at a time!

Free spirit Indiana March is always moving on. But she’s never forgotten the dangerous stranger who rescued her in a dark Budapest alley…or her promise to meet him in Prague two years later. She’ll give him one wild night, then she’ll flit away. With his breathtakingly blue eyes and sculpted lips, Stefan may claim her soul as well as her body. But can his passion chain her restless heart?



One Response to “REVIEW: Just One More Night by Caitlyn Crews”

  1. Maria Rose

    I’m sad to see the line ending too, I had lots of good reads in the Dare imprint. I still miss the Blaze imprint too. I wonder if Harlequin will have another erotic romance line or if they are just finding that the market isn’t there for it right now? Though I have noticed the Desire line is getting more explicit than it used to be.