REVIEW: More Than Rivals by Susannah Erwin

Posted July 6th, 2023 by in Blog, Desire, Harlequin Mills&Boon, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 7 comments

More Than Rivals by Susannah Erwin: Anna Stratford has just found out, that thanks to a long ago sperm donation, she is a heiress to the Lochlainn business company. She is sent to their theme park, Lakes of Wonder, to make a deal with a rival company owned by the Blackburns. Lakes of Wonder is an older theme park that has fallen into some disrepair, but still has a nostalgic draw. The Blackburns own parks with more thrill rides.

Ian Blackburn doesn’t always understand the decisions of the people in his company. He needs to win over Anna to sign the purchase agreement to fulfill his duty.

Not only is Anna very smart, she is very attractive and charming. Even though they are rivals, they fall into a passionate one night stand. Can they let that be the only intimacy between them and go through with the business agreement and move on with their separate lives?

Susannah Erwin is a new to me author and I was impressed with this well written novel with all the sizzle readers expect from the Desire line. There is plenty of spice along with the charm and whimsy of Lakes of Wonder. Both characters have had to deal with unexpected curveballs and secrets in recent times. How they grow over the arc of the plot is uplifting and heartwarming. With so much going on in the world, a romance that is so engaging helps me stay calm and hopeful.

Book Info:

Publication: June 27, 2023 | Harlequin Desire | Part #1of a 2 in one volume

More Than Rivals…

She’s sleeping with the enemy…and doesn’t know it!

Anna Stratford’s just discovered she’s the heiress to the Lochlainn empire. Now she’s been thrown into a world of wealth, decadence and corporate espionage—not to mention fireworks with too-tempting theme park mogul Ian Blackburn. Their searing night together is almost perfect, except that Anna’s sleeping with her newfound family’s enemy. But is Ian falling for her…or manipulating her?



7 Responses to “REVIEW: More Than Rivals by Susannah Erwin”

  1. Glenda M

    Thanks for the review! It seems odd to me that someone would track their child who was the result of a sperm donation but I’m guessing the author gives a good explanation?

    • Dianne Casey

      Doesn’t seem too believable. Maybe the book makes the story make sense.

  2. Ellen C.

    Interesting twist with the donor looking for his offspring instead of the birthparents or adoptive parents searching. Looks like a fun read.