REVIEW: Not Another Love Song Julie Soto

Posted July 26th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 6 comments


Not Another Love Song Julie Soto: There is nothing quite as annoying as someone that you have seen and worked with for the better part of a year claiming not to recognize you, well this is exactly what happens to Gwen when she meets Xander while she is playing at one of his friends wedding. Not only does Xander claim not to know her but he goes on to critique her performance However Gwen gets the last laugh when she is offered the coveted first chair position at Pops Orchestra, something that Xander has been secretly wanting for years.

While this is a major career up grade for Gwen it does not dull down the mounting tension between her and Xander, however it not so much hostility that is zapping between them but an unexpected attraction… the question is can they actually make something of the undeniable chemistry or are they going to face a very public downfall?

“It’s about a cello who fell in love with a violin.”

I really enjoyed reading this spicy musical romance, this is the first time I have read a romance that was based on classical musicians rather than the more common rockstar trope, and I have to say I rather enjoyed it. Aside from having a really great and engaging storyline I absolutely loved this book cover, not only does it give off these broody and moody vibes but it just hints at the possible steam that is to come between these two characters.

There is just something about Gwen that was so easy to like and relate to, granted I did want her to stand up for herself a bit more but our girl grows as the book progresses. Aside from being insanely talented and gifted with a ear that can just pick up any tune, Gwen was charming and a tiny bit awkward, and I loved this about her character. I was so glad to see her finally take control of her life and stop waiting for outside validation and people pleasing towards the end of the book. As for our hero well Xander was so much more than he first appeared to be, our hero was far from being this arrogant, snobby guy that thinks that he is better than everyone around him, yes he is confident but with good reason. I loved that he was so sure of himself and his talent and that he was not afraid to peacock a bit about his talents. I loved the similarity in him to Gwen and the fact that they both had to learn to not seek outside validation in order to feel accomplished. Once Xander realized this he was able to shed the fears and insecurities of young Alex. Reinventing himself truly helped him fullfill his potential.

This was a couple that you just could not help but want more and more off, they had such an incredible chemistry that it was hard to put this book down. While they were more on the slow burn side, the tension and build up more than made it worth the slow pace. But once these two finally get together, boy do sparks fly! I think the scene that is depicted on the cover was clearly one of the best that I have read in a long time! While Gwen and Xander had some incredibly steamy chemistry, I loved their emotional bond just as much. I really liked the way they communicated their feelings for each other through their music and the way they helped each other become a stronger and better version of themselves.

Not Another Love Song is a total must read, I mean who doesn’t want a guy to be so head over heels in love that he can’t stop writing love songs about you?

Book Info:

Publication: July 4, 2024 | Forever |

Gwen Jackson and Xander Thorne are both musical prodigies, but each has had very different paths to success. Xander was born into classical music royalty, while Gwen had a natural ear for music that was nurtured by a kind shop owner.

After Gwen performs at his friend’s wedding, she’s mortified when she realizes Xander has no clue who she is—despite having worked together for a year at the Pops Orchestra. But she’s more furious that he arrogantly critiques her performance.

When Gwen is offered the role of First Chair of the orchestra, something Xander had secretly coveted for years, their existing hostility goes up a notch. But their respect for each other’s music is undeniable, and their onstage chemistry off the scale. As they begin to explore their feelings for one another, suddenly they’re box office dynamite and the fragile romance that’s growing between them is in danger of being crushed beneath a publicity stunt…



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