REVIEW: The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren

Posted February 9th, 2023 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 22 comments


In The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren, Romance author Felicity “Fizzy” Chen has toiled away for years writing (bestselling) novels about love, lust, and happily ever afters. So it’s not a stretch of the imagination to want that for herself. But after a disastrous relationship has her rethinking ever giving her heart away again, Fizzy has also lost all inspiration to write. Something that’s never happened before. While looking for a cure for her writer’s block, she’s asked by a handsome local producer, Connor Prince, to star in a brand-new reality TV dating show. Fizzy is sort of on board with the idea. I mean, it sounds like just the type of experiences that could make it into a book, right? But as she sets her demands and then gets to work on the show, it’s Connor who catches her eye. Not any of the eight men chosen to be contestants.

“I’m drawn to you, and we’ve only just met; viewers will feel the same. Your readers will *want* you to find love.”
This one is like an arrow to the heart. My sweet readers do want me to find love, and it appears to be the one thing I cannot give them. Well, that and a new book.

Connor isn’t a fan of being given ultimatums. But if it means keeping his job and being able to stay close to his wonderful daughter Stevie, he’ll give up producing documentaries for a while and concentrate on creating a hit reality show. Once he meets the woman who will be the Heroine, Felicity Chen, Connor knows it will be all too easy to let himself fall for her. The author is every bit as sparkling as her nickname and is one of the best conversationalists he’s ever had the pleasure of knowing. But with a deadline to meet to prove himself worthy of future projects and an audience of millions to wow, Connor does all he can to keep things platonic with Fizzy and focus on the endgame. He just didn’t realize their feelings for each other would be so intense as to throw their lives into utter chaos.

“Once the world sees you, Fizzy, they’re going to fall in love.”

Just when I thought I couldn’t love the awesomeness that is Christina Lauren more, they pen an effervescent novel that is part rom-com as well as part love letter to romance readers, their ravenous fans, and the book community at large in The True Love Experiment.

‘I wonder idly, on a scale of ‘Get It Girl’ to ‘Only If You Never Want to Work Again’, how bad it would be to sleep with my reality romance show producer. Get back on the horse and whatnot.’

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After being asked time and again when secondary character Felicity “Fizzy” Chen from The Soulmate Equation (look for cameos by Jess, River & Juno!) was going to get her very own story, CLo found the perfect way to showcase Fizzy’s charming outrageousness while on the path to getting her romance mojo back. And oh, what a wild ride it was! Fizzy’s lack of a verbal filter was all kinds of amusing, as was her lively banter with, well, everyone. She was outspoken, witty and funny, the best friend you can imagine, adored –and was adored by–her Chinese American family and her friends, and yet Fizzy was lonely. And in the midst of some serious writer’s block.

I loved that, while you might have previously run across the idea of a romance novelist who is either unlucky in love or doesn’t believe love will happen for them, CLo put a whole new spin on it. Fizzy was known for writing super steamy, swoony romance (some with pirates!). And she’d certainly had her fair share of dates and casual sex over the years. But at thirty-seven years old, her prior attempt at a relationship left her with trust issues and unable to see herself ever giving her heart away. Until Fizzy met Connor Prince, the producer on a new reality dating show that wanted to have her as the Heroine, with eight Heroes to woo her until only one man was left–her soulmate.

Connor was sigh-worthy on so many levels. (I’m not kidding: I literally sighed happily whenever he was in a scene or a chapter was told from his POV) He was British, a tallllll drink of water, terrific dad to his ten-year-old daughter Stevie, and just an all-around *good* guy through and through. Connor’s attraction to Fizzy was pretty instantaneous. But their working relationship made for heaps of complications, so they tried to focus on becoming friends. It was both comical and a bit sad when Connor had to watch Fizzy go on dates with the contestants, knowing deep inside that he was the one for her. Thankfully, it all turned out gloriously in the end with a twist that was sweet and very much fitting for the couple. *sigh*

QOTD: Are you a fan of cameos from previous characters in interconnected books or series?

Book Info:

Publication: May 16, 2023 | Gallery Books |

Sparks fly when a romance novelist and a documentary filmmaker join forces to craft the perfect Hollywood love story and take both of their careers to the next levelβ€”but only if they can keep the chemistry between them from taking the whole thing off script.

Felicity β€œFizzy” Chen is lost. Sure, she’s got an incredible career as a beloved romance novelist with a slew of bestsellers under her belt, but when she’s asked to give a commencement address, it hits her: she hasn’t been practicing what she’s preached.

Fizzy hasn’t ever really been in love. Lust? Definitely. But that swoon-worthy, can’t-stop-thinking-about-him, all-encompassing feeling? Nope. Nothing. What happens when the optimism she’s spent her career encouraging in readers starts to feel like a lie?

Connor Prince, documentary filmmaker and single father, loves his work in large part because it allows him to live near his daughter. But when his profit-minded boss orders him to create a reality TV show, putting his job on the line, Connor is out of his element. Desperate to find his romantic lead, a chance run-in with an exasperated Fizzy offers Connor the perfect solution. What if he could show the queen of romance herself falling head-over-heels for all the world to see? Fizzy gives him a hard passβ€”unless he agrees to her list of demands. When he says yes, and production on The True Love Experiment begins, Connor wonders if that perfect match will ever be in the cue cards for him, too.

The True Love Experiment is the book fans have been waiting for ever since Fizzy’s debut in The Soulmate Equation. But when the lights come on and all eyes are on her, it turns out the happily ever after Fizzy had all but given up on might lie just behind the camera.



22 Responses to “REVIEW: The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren”

  1. Latesha B.

    Yes, I love cameos by other characters from related stories. I always wonder what happened to them and this gives me the chance to see how they are doing.

  2. Banana cake

    I’m jealous that you got to read it early. I’ve already preordered it.

    • Michele H

      We really lucked out getting an early copy! So glad you’ve preordered it because you’ll definitely want to read Fizzy’s story! Eep!! πŸ™‚

  3. Summer

    I’m a fan of it when I’ve actually read the other books in a series, when I’m just dipping into a series and suddenly there’s a character who it seems like I’m supposed to know, that can be annoying.

    • Michele H

      Yes! It can definitely be annoying-slash-frustrating when a character leaves you wondering what you’ve missed. Thankfully, in this case, Fizzy’s book can be read as a standalone with no problem. Enjoy, Summer!!

  4. Dianne Casey

    I enjoy cameo appearances in books, if I’m familiar with the book the originally appeared in.

    • Michele H

      That makes all the difference, right? As long as you’ve read the book(s) they were in then it works. But if the author(s) explains it well enough so you can basically read the new story as a standalone, like CLo did with this one, then it also makes for a fun experience. Happy reading to you, Dianne!!

  5. Sharlene Wegner

    This book sounds fantastic! I loved The Soulmate Equation & can’t wait to read this. I do love characters from previous books appearing in cameos.

    • Michele H

      Yay!! If you loved The Soulmate Equation then I think you will *love* Fizzy’s book, Sharlene! πŸ™‚ Lots of shenanigans, laughs, and love. What more can we ask for of a CLo book, right? Enjoy!!

    • Michele H

      Not the most stunning of their covers but oddly enough, the fireworks were actually part of one of the scenes, so I assume that’s why it was chosen. LOL Happy reading to you!!

    • Michele H

      Nice! It’s so much fun to catch up with characters, especially if they add to the current story, too, like this one. Happy reading, Amy! πŸ™‚

  6. Ellen C.

    I enjoy the cameos, they can add a little more depth to the story and characters.

  7. Anita H.

    I totally love seeing characters from previous books, it’s like catching up and visiting with old friends!

    • Michele H

      It really is, Anita! And in this book, where the characters we catch up with are Fizzy’s best friend Jess and her family, wow did it add so much to the storyline. If you’ve read Jess’s romance (The Soulmate Equation) then you’ll get as much of a kick out of her and Fizzy’s conversations here as in that first story. Everyone needs a best friend like that!! πŸ™‚