REVIEW: What I Should’ve Said by Max Monroe

Posted April 22nd, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 6 comments


What I Should’ve Said by Max Monroe: By anyones standards Norah was living the ideal New York dream, wearing all the designer brands, cute apartment in the Upper East Side, about to marry the man of her dreams. Well that is until her entire world comes crashing down on her wedding day. Faced with a major crisis Norah does the only thing that she can think of and pulls a runaway bride, heading for the small town of Red Bridge, Vermont. Hopefully small town living and reconnecting with her estranged sister are just the things that Norah needs to get her life back on track. Getting involved with the towns grumpy bad boy Bennett Bishop should definitely not be on her bingo card but when fate keeps pushing them together there is only so much will power any girl can have… maybe this is just the Summer of change that Norah and Ben both need…

Holy-book-moly! What was this book!? What I Should’ve Said was so far from what I’m used to reading when it comes to Max Monroe, this book was like a kick straight to the heart. I know I definitely loved this book but on the same hand it wasn’t the happy, easy, cute read that we normally get from this duo. Yes, we did get one hell of a love story with all the cute moments that these two always deliver, but this time round we also get one emotionally heart breaking story as well. Also when I first saw the cover I was a bit underwhelmed, but gosh once you realize the significance it only makes it all the more perfect and fitting.

I absolutely adored Norah, she was such a redeemable leading lady, we get to see her go from living a shell of a life to actually living her best most fulfilling life. I loved the fact that she was so down to Earth and humble about her lack of skills in, well everything. She was ready to work hard in whatever way she could to help her sister but she was also determined to gain her own independence. As for our hero Bennett, well he was working those grumpy bear vibes. I loved that even when he wanted to be irritated with Norah, he still made sure that she was safe. He was a big ole softie and I loved getting to see this side of him. But gosh did my heart also just break for our hero, its not easy to love someone with an expiration date, knowing that your heart is going to get wrecked but gosh does he love his beautiful daughter hard while he can. I really loved seeing Norah and Bennett together, these two were exactly what they each needed in a partner. They balanced each other out and provided that support that they both needed. Also they had some of the hottest hot/love chemistry. The banter and sass between them was perfection, they had some hilariously cringe moments but it only build in the tension of their connection.

As much as Norah and Bennett were the two main characters in this book, I felt that Summer was just as important if not more so in the overall development of this book. Summer like her name suggests was warm, kind and so full of life. It just broke my heart seeing her in pain and ultimately losing her so early in life. She truly played a major role in bringing Ben and Norah together and helping them realise that they need each other. I loved the relationship that Norah and Summer formed, they were truly like lifelong besties. Even though they were in each others lives for a short time you could see the impact that they had on each other and this was beautiful. Seeing Bennett with his daughter was just precious, he was so open and happy when he was with her, it was truly touching to see their relationship. Which made seeing Bennett mourn the loss of Summer all the more painful. I cannot tell you how much this book made me cry, all I will say is that you are going to need to keep the tissues handy. I have to say that I really liked the way that Summer was incorporated into the ending and ultimately Ben and Norah’s next chapter in life, this was a beautiful touch that really rounded the entire book up.

The supporting characters were great, I loved the little community of Red Bridge and how easily they welcomed Norah. There was some odd sheep thrown in for a bit of humour that I loved. I have to say I loved Bennett’s sister Breezy and how she helped unintentionally push Ben and Norah together, but also the way she supported Ben when he needed her the most. As for Norah’s sister Josie, well she was a hoot. I loved that she was sassy and didn’t give Norah a free pass. What I really want to know is, what is the story between Josie and Clay?? With all the breadcrumbs Max Monroe have dropped in this book I can already tell that their story is going to be interesting!

What I Should’ve Said was everything that I love about reading a Max Monroe book and so much more that I didn’t even know I wanted! This book packs an emotional punch that will leave you weepy but also feeling so happy at the end. I one hundred perfect recommend this book!

Book Info:

Publication: April 19, 2024 | Max Monroe LLC |

When grumpy, muscled-up artist Bennett Bishop bothers to speak, it’s usually to say something you’re not ready to hear.

When he first speaks to Norah Ellis, a rambling runaway bride who hitchhikes a ride from him, it’s to tell her to get out of his truck and walk because she’s a pain in the a-s-s.

By appearance, Norah Ellis is a fancy fashionista who’s spent the last several years living the good life in the city—expensive apartments, highbrow events, and a fiancé with wealth and good looks. The only problem is that she didn’t choose any of it for herself.

On the day of her July wedding, thanks to a letter from a stranger, Norah’s world turns upside down. She runs for the hills of Vermont to start a new life, but what’s waiting for her, between her estranged sister, the townspeople, and bad-boy Bennett Bishop himself, is way more than she bargained for.

Enemies turn to lovers, strangers become friends, dark secrets bust open like cans of worms, and most of all…Summer will never be the same.



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