Spotlight & Giveaway: A Promise of Peridot by Kate Golden

Posted April 19th, 2024 by in Blog, Spotlight / 18 comments

Today, HJ is pleased to share with you Kate Golden’s new release: A Promise of Peridot




A prophecy of death. A weapon of hope. A sacrifice of love.

Arwen Valondale is sailing for the mysterious Kingdom of Citrine after the battle of Siren’s Bay. Reeling from shocking revelations and her newfound powers, Arwen directs all of her pain and rage toward the man who betrayed her: King Kane Ravenwood.

Kane’s presence is unavoidable as he travels with Arwen and her friends to seek the Blade of the Sun, a legendary weapon inextricably tied to her fate and the future of the realm. Even an uneasy truce proves difficult as Arwen fights against her unresolved feelings for Kane, who is willing to become darkness itself to protect her.

As Arwen faces creatures, foes, and magic beyond her wildest imaginings, she must discover the secrets of her past to defeat the monstrous Fae king Lazarus. But finding the light within might mean the death of her and everyone she loves.


Enjoy an exclusive excerpt from A Promise of Peridot 


’m going to be Sick again,” warned ryder aS he hung his head over the wet steel edge of the ship. Angry droplets of rain pelted us both as I rubbed soothing circles into the damp fab‑
ric clinging to my brother’s back.
“I’m here,” I said, trying to send lighte into his knotted stom‑ ach. I waited, and waited some more, until I couldn’t help but tense my fingers against the void I felt where my lighte should have regen‑ erated days ago.
Still nothing.
Ryder retched into the churning sea below us.
In the ten days since the battle of Siren’s Bay, I had healed the entire ship of all their wounds without my power. The injuries in‑ flicted by Lazarus’s army, burns singed and gashes slashed by both lighte and Fae weapons, were more damaging to the Onyx and Per‑ idot soldiers than any mortal steel. It had been the most taxing work I’d ever done.

And all the while, elbow‑deep in bandages and sickly, fevered sweat, I tried to grieve.
We had held a small, makeshift funeral for her—the woman I had always thought was my mother. Against the rhythmic creaking of ropes and the quiet flapping of sails, the unscathed soldiers aboard had lowered her body into the sea beneath us. I said a few words, all of which felt flat and foreign in my mouth. Mari sang a hymn. Ryder cried. Leigh didn’t look at any of us, and then slunk into our cabin belowdecks before we even finished.
It had been awful.
Kane had asked if he could join us. I believe his words were, “I’d like to be there for you, if you’ll let me.” As if his presence might have somehow made me feel better, instead of infinitely, infinitely worse. I hadn’t wanted him anywhere near my family. Or what had been left of them.
Then, the storm came.
A thunderous assault of rain, with waves that sloshed against the ship like battering rams. It raged and raged throughout our en‑ tire journey. Those who sought even a minute’s reprieve from stale cabin air were immediately soaked in a frigid deluge. Yester‑ day the captain had rationed the ship’s coals, leaving us with‑ out hot water. I already couldn’t stomach any more lukewarm porridge.
I looked down at my fingers on Ryder’s back. They were eter‑ nally pruned, like little raisins. He heaved again, and down the bow a couple feet, a Peridot woman in a weather‑beaten wool cloak followed suit.
Though I was lucky not to suffer from seasickness, the same couldn’t be said for the rest of the passengers. The stomach‑turning sounds of retching echoed at all hours of the day and night. I

offered care to whomever I could, but without my lighte there wasn’t much to do.
I hadn’t offered any help to Kane, though.
I’d watched him climb a rickety set of stairs with ease a single day after being pierced through the chest by a spear of ice. He’d scaled them two at a time—nimble, strong, lively even.
And yet, he had needed me to heal him so critically that day in the Shadowhold infirmary?
All lies. More and more lies. My head swam with them.

Excerpt. ©Kate Golden. Posted by arrangement with the publisher. All rights reserved.

Giveaway: 1 Print copyof A PROMISE OF PERIDOT by Kate Golden to US resident


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and post a comment to this Q: What did you think of the excerpt spotlighted here? Leave a comment with your thoughts on the book…

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Meet the Author:

Kate Golden is the bestselling author of viral sensation and debut novel A Dawn of Onyx. She lives in Los Angeles where she works in the film industry developing movies with screenwriters and filmmakers. When she isn’t telling stories, Kate is an avid book reader, movie fanatic, and functioning puzzle addict. She and her husband can be found hosting cozy game nights and taking hikes with their sweet pup, Milo. You can find her on Instagram at @KateGoldenAuthor and on TikTok at @Kate_Golden_Author, where she is known to post both spicy and heartbreaking teasers for her upcoming books.
BUY: The next seductive, sweeping, action-packed installment in the addictive Sacred Stones trilogy.

18 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: A Promise of Peridot by Kate Golden”

  1. Dianne Casey

    Sounds like a great book. I really enjoyed the excerpt and I’m looking forward to reading the book.

  2. Patricia Barraclough

    It is hard coming into the middle of a trilogy that is a continuous story. It sounds like an intense, suspenseful read. I read the descriptions of the other two books and it sounds like a good series.