Spotlight & Giveaway: Seven Exes by Lucy Vine

Posted July 14th, 2023 by in Blog, Spotlight / 21 comments

Today, HJ is pleased to share with you Lucy Vine’s new release: Seven Exes




Hello wonderful Harlequin Junkies! Here’s an excerpt from my brand new book, Seven Exes. This is the prologue, where you get a sneak peek into our hero, Esther’s journey as she re-visits her romantic history… I really hope you enjoy it!

A delightful rom-com about a woman who decides to revisit each of her seven exes, convinced that one of them is “the one who got away.”

Seven Exes. Seven Missed Chances. Who was the one who got away?

Esther is nearing thirty, with a great job and a flat she shares with her two best friends, Bibi and Louise. But her life is missing that special someone. Tired of being single and sick of bad date after bad date, she thinks she’s found the answer to her romance problem in an old women’s magazine.

According to the magazine’s dating column, there are seven archetypes a woman will date before finding Mr. Right. It all seems silly at first, until Esther realizes she has exactly seven exes that match the profiles: The First Love, The Work Mistake, The Overlap, The Friend with Benefits, The Missed Chance, The Bastard, and The Serious One. Is it so hard to believe that perhaps one of them is The One?

Deciding she must have left her true love in the reject pile, Esther contacts each of her old boyfriends. But finding her soulmate isn’t as simple as she hoped it would be. Madness, mayhem, laughs, and tears ensue as she valiantly works her way through her past love life and faces up to her previous mistakes. It’s an odyssey of the heart that will teach her a lot about herself . . . and just might lead her to the man of her dreams.


Enjoy an exclusive excerpt from Seven Exes 

Are you my person?
Are you him? Are you the person I will finally, somehow, be fully me with?
Imagine if you were that person! Imagine if you were someone I could just let go with. Someone I could stop worrying about holding it all together in front of. Imagine if I could be all of the me I hate so much; if you were the one person in the world who wouldn’t judge me for it. Imagine if I didn’t have to say sorry when I let those parts I don’t like leak out of me. If you just held me close when I was anxious for no reason. If you stroked my head through hangovers without judgement, if you brought me tea with three sugars in the morning without being asked, if you left the towels in the specific way I like them. Imagine if you were someone I could show my saggy stomach and boobs to, and you only fancied me more. Imagine if you pretended you weren’t awake when I farted in my sleep, or bought more chocolate without saying anything when I ate all our supplies for breakfast a week before my period. Imagine if you were him.
Are you the person I’ll be able to talk to about all the things I feel sad about? Will I be able to cry in front of you about everything that’s happened, without feeling embarrassed and ashamed of myself? Can I get too drunk with you and talk nonsense too loudly, and obsess about that girl I hated at school who has her own cake business on Facebook that seems to be doing annoyingly well now – and not wake up at 2am, heart thudding with horror that I have alienated and disgusted you with the real me? Are you him?
I look into those beautiful big eyes, examining the long, dark eyelashes – so much nicer than mine – and wonder silently: are you The One?
You take my hand, kissing the throbby, veiny bit on the inside of my wrist and finally – after seconds that feel like a lifetime – move closer to kiss me on the mouth.
Fuck. I think you might be.

Excerpt. ©Lucy Vine. Posted by arrangement with the publisher. All rights reserved.

Giveaway: Two US readers can enter to win a copy of SEVEN EXES by Lucy Vine.


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and post a comment to this Q: What did you think of the excerpt spotlighted here? Leave a comment with your thoughts on the book…

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Meet the Author:

Lucy Vine is a writer, editor, and the bestselling author of Hot Mess, What Fresh Hell, Are We Nearly There Yet?, and Bad Choices. Her books have been translated into eleven languages around the world, and Hot Mess has been optioned for a television series in America. She has been nominated twice for the Comedy Women In Print Award and is host of the podcast and live event series, the Hot Mess Clubhouse, celebrating funny women. Her journalism has appeared in international publications, including Grazia, Stylist, heat, Fabulous, New, Now, Marie Claire, Glamour Online, Cosmopolitan, the Daily Telegraph, the Sun, and The Mirror. She lives in London.

21 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Seven Exes by Lucy Vine”

  1. Amy Donahue

    Sounds like it would be both heartwarming and hilarious which is always a winning combination.

  2. Patricia B.

    An excerpt that reflect the insecurities and worries most women have, whether they are still looking for their one and only or already have them. This should be an interesting and enjoyable book.

  3. Latesha B.

    An excerpt that embodies a feeling that many can identify with. I enjoyed it.

  4. Bonnie

    What an interesting book for summer reading! Great excerpt. I’d love to read more.