Category: ionR

i on Romance: Crossover Genres
14th Mar / 19 Comments

i on Romance: Crossover Genres

i on Romance: Crossover Genres   There are a lot of different crossover genres when it comes to romance. There are people that read many different kinds, and there are people with their particular niches. I tend to stick with Mainstream Contemporary, Adult Contemporary, and Suspense, while veering off that […]

i on Romance: Hawt or Not
21st Feb / 27 Comments

i on Romance: Hawt or Not

Today I want to talk about the hotness factor. Romance novels have always had varying degrees of steaminess, but I think today we have so many more choices. There are still the chaste novels, all the way down to Christian romance, and we go all the way up to what […]

i on Romance: Serials
7th Feb / 27 Comments

i on Romance: Serials

i on Romance: Serials Today I’m going to talk about Serials. Personally, I like them, as long as they fit certain criteria. Knowing ahead of time that they are a serial The pricing is much lower than a self-contained book The frequency with which they are released is consistent They […]

i on Romance: HEA vs. HFN
24th Jan / 28 Comments

i on Romance: HEA vs. HFN

Happily Ever After ~Versus~ Happy for Now. A few years ago, Happy for Now (HFN) was a trend. Now I see it more as a preference that an author makes as he or she writes a book. What do you consider is a true ‘Happily Ever After’ (HEA)? Is it a […]

ionR: What does “Bestseller” mean to you?
10th Jan / 24 Comments

ionR: What does “Bestseller” mean to you?

What does “Bestseller” mean to you? Well, we all know what the term “Bestseller” should mean – and it usually does. It represents something that has made more sales than other things of it’s kind through a certain medium. In this case, I’ll be talking about books. (not a shock, […]

i on Romance: Damsels? No, EMPOWERED
27th Dec / 17 Comments

i on Romance: Damsels? No, EMPOWERED

It’s not a new thing – people dismissing romance novels as “trashy”, or sordid, or just plain bad. It seems like it’s easy for people who’ve never read any of the romance genre to make fun of those that do. But truth be told, it’s an incredibly large portion of […]

Harlequin Junkie’s Top Picks of 2013!
23rd Dec / 6 Comments

Harlequin Junkie’s Top Picks of 2013!

Harlequin Junkie’s Top Picks of 2013! MacRieve by Kresley Cole Kresley Cole is a powerhouse in the paranormal genre. And her new novel MacRieve is a dark, dangerous addition to the Immortals After Dark series. This story delves into situations and emotions that may not always be pretty, but they […]

i on Romance: Let’s Talk About Fanfiction
13th Dec / 13 Comments

i on Romance: Let’s Talk About Fanfiction

Welcome to “i on Romance”! Hey, I’m Karen (@Aleveria) , one of the Junkies here on the blog. Sara has graciously given me a space here to interact with you, our readers. I will be introducing topics that (hopefully) will get you gals talking. They may be subjects that spark a […]