Category: Motorcycle Club

REVIEW: Hunter by Rie Warren
21st Nov / 3 Comments

REVIEW: Hunter by Rie Warren

I love a great MC book and Hunter (Bad Boys of Retribution MC #1) by Rie Warren is just that. I was hooked from the first page to the last. Hunter has done a lot of bad things in his life. Secret identities, hired gun, special ops, baddest of the […]

REVIEW: Burn It Up by Cara McKenna
1st Nov / 5 Comments

REVIEW: Burn It Up by Cara McKenna

Burn It Up by Cara McKenna: Abilene has a world of regrets, but she’s determined to live a better life for her daughter. She’s finally found people who are willing to lend a hand when asked instead of relying on manipulation to get what she needs. She initially kept her pregnancy […]

REVIEW: Walk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley
29th Oct / 10 Comments

REVIEW: Walk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley

Walk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley: Twenty years ago, Millie left behind the boy she loved, doing it so he could find what he wanted. Logan, not knowing why Millie actually left, harbored a ton of anger towards her all those years. After a near run-in at Chipotle, Millie decides she […]

REVIEW: Shooting Dirty by Jill Sorenson
17th Sep / 6 Comments

REVIEW: Shooting Dirty by Jill Sorenson

Shooting Dirty by Jill Sorenson: Janelle wants to make a better life for herself and her son, but that’s easier said than done. She enjoys the dancing aspect of stripping, but she’s sick of the customers and wants a respectable job. Ace made the decision to get out of the Dirty […]

REVIEW: Fire Me Up by Rachael Johns
3rd Sep / 3 Comments

REVIEW: Fire Me Up by Rachael Johns

Fire Me Up (Deacons of Bourbon Street #2) by Rachael Johns is the second in the Deacons of Bourbon Street MC books. Four books about the four main members, each book written by a different author. I can tell you that yes I did read the first book, no I […]

REVIEW: Vipers Rule by Stephanie Tyler
15th Jul / 8 Comments

REVIEW: Vipers Rule by Stephanie Tyler

Vipers Rule by Stephanie Tyler: Tals had a difficult childhood, but finding Maddie was a bright spot in high school. While Maddie seemed off limits due to her wealthy family, he recognized her. They had an intense connection, but Maddie’s determination to leave Skulls Creek along with other events meant they […]