REVIEW: A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley

Posted December 12th, 2023 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, Fantasy, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 9 comments


A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley: Astaroth is supposed to be the most legendary soul bargainer and one of the nine most powerful members of the demon high council, now this is well and good, if only he could actually remember any of it… If being banished to the mortal plane wasn’t bad enough now Astaroth has to deal with an annoying case of amnesia, try to figure out why a demon named Moloch wants to kill him and most importantly try to figure out why the hot witch that saved him, hates him so much! Even though Calladia cant stand Astaroth, she can’t help but want to help the annoyingly charming demon, all she has to do is help him try to find the witch that can help restore his memory and then she plans on properly giving him a butt kicking! The only problem with her plan being; the more time she spends with Astaroth the more she finds herself liking his snarky banter and dark charm… could a witch and a demon actually be a perfect match?

I just loved reading the first book in the Glimmer Falls series and A Demon’s Guide To Wooing A Witch was just as good! I loved getting to travel back into to this quirky magical little town with all thing witchy and spooky. I will say that even though this book can be read as a standalone I would strongly advice reading the first book before hand. I will be honest I was not to sure how I would feel about Astaroth after the part he played in the first book but I have to say, I too just like Calladia began to fall for his dark charm and easy banter. It also sure didn’t hurt getting to see him get his butt kicked by a girl! Oh also I have to take a moment to mention how much I love this book cover, if this does not perfectly depict what I imagined these two characters to be like, then I don’t know what would!

I really liked the fact that Calladia was such a strong female character. She stood up for what she believed in and did not back down from a fight. Well to be fair most of the time she was the one to start the fight but that is neither here nor there. Most of all I loved that we go to see her softer side, for all the tough girl exterior that she puts up she is actually a really soft, kind and caring witch. I loved that even though she was angry with what Astaroth did to her friends, she could not leave him defenceless. As for our demon on a redemption journey, well I can safely say that Astaroth won me over in this book. After coming off as the villain in the first book I was interested to see how Hawley would try to soften us to his character. I really enjoyed getting to see him look at the world through untainted lenses and really work to redeem himself. I loved the fact that he had to face his mistakes and the way he had wronged Oz. All in all I really liked getting to see the new version of Astaroth.

I will say these two went from hate to lust in a hot second but it kind of just worked for their story. Gosh did they have banter for days! These two could bicker and sass each other like no ones business, and I for one just loved it! Aside from being incredibly spicy I loved the fact that Astaroth excepted and loved Calladia’s more snarky, prickly attitude, where as most people shunned it. With all that pent up sexual tension, the back and forth banter and the slightly taboo-ness to their relationship it was hard not to get invested in their story.

A Demon’s Guide To Wooing A Witch is a total must read, this book is sassy, cute, banter filled and has loads of laughs. Once you start you are not going to be able to stop reading this demon’s redemption story!

Book Info:

Publication: November 28, 2023 | Berkley | Glimmer Falls #2

Calladia Cunnington curses the day she met Astaroth the demon, but when he shows up memoryless, why does she find him so helpless . . . and sort of hot?

Calladia Cunnington knows she’s rough around the edges, despite being the heir to one of small-town Glimmer Falls’ founding witch families. While her gym obsession is a great outlet for her anxieties and anger, her hot temper still gets the best of her and manifests in bar brawls. When Calladia saves someone from a demon attack one night, though, she’s happy to put her magic and rage to good use . . . until she realizes the man she saved is none other than Astaroth, the ruthless demon who orchestrated a soul bargain on her best friend.

Astaroth is a legendary soul bargainer and one of the nine members of the demon high council–except he can’t remember any of this. Suffering from amnesia after being banished to the mortal plane, Astaroth doesn’t know why a demon named Moloch is after him, nor why the muscular, angry, hot-in-a-terrifying-way witch who saved him hates him so much.

Unable to leave anyone in such a vulnerable state–even the most despicable demon–Calladia grudgingly decides to help him. (Besides, punching an amnesiac would be in poor taste.) The two set out on an uneasy road trip to find the witch who might be able to restore Astaroth’s memory so they can learn how to defeat Moloch. Calladia vows that once Astaroth is cured, she’ll kick his ass, but the more time she spends with the snarky yet utterly charming demon, the more she realizes she likes this new, improved Astaroth . . . and maybe she doesn’t want him to recover his memories, after all.



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