REVIEW: All I Want for Christmas by Maggie Knox

Posted December 16th, 2022 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, Holiday Titles, Review / 6 comments


In All I Want for Christmas by Maggie Knox, Sadie Hunter knows that being on the hit TV show Starmaker, a country music competition for a recording contract, is her best shot at finally making it big in Nashville. If she doesn’t win? She’s not sure she’ll stick around, after years of playing the bar and club circuit have gained her very little results. All is going as expected until Sadie is teamed up with Max Brody, the son of a country legend, to perform a duet. She’s as much shocked at the way their voices meld together as she is with the audience’s positive reaction to them. Soon fans can’t get enough of #Saxie. And when they’re pushed to work together again–and also told to act like a couple during their off time–lines get blurred until Sadie can’t tell if her connection to Max is real or a product of their environment.

‘She could not compartmentalize her feelings for Max into an easy-to-explain category. When she sang with him it felt like they really were in love. It was fleeting, but it was there.’

Max is hoping that being on Starmaker will give him the chance to put his own spin on country music instead of being constantly compared to his famous dad. Even with some talented folks competing against him, things look like they might be in his favor. That is, until the Starmaker powers-that-be basically tell Max and Sadie that they have to perform as a duo. Their chemistry onstage is off the charts. And there are even some moments offstage when he thinks they might have something special between them. But as their lives get more complicated and the press hound them at every turn, Max has to decide if giving a relationship a real chance is worth the potential pain if it doesn’t work out.

‘He closed the distance between them. Her lips were warm and tasted of vanilla and red wine. Max’s knees almost gave out. Apparently, their voices weren’t the only things that fit together perfectly.’

With the festiveness of the holidays and the power of music combined, All I Want for Christmas was a feel-good, enemies-to-lovers romance by none other than author duo Maggie Knox.

‘He cupped her face with his hands, kissing her deeply. Forget what everyone said about the magic that happened when they sang. This put their onstage chemistry to shame.’

Authors Maggie Knox created a winning combination this Christmas season with their latest novel, All I Want for Christmas. Filled with sentimental moments, lots of country music goodness, and tons of sparks–of both the romantic and the antagonistic variety!–there was a little bit of something for everyone. But to me, it really came down to whether Sadie and Max would be able to get out of their own way and let those walls down they had each created after watching their loved ones’ bad luck with love. It was a struggle for them both. And of course, with this being set on a reality (competition) show, it put even more stress on Max and Sadie while they were forced to work as a duo.

Among all the angst, quick banter, yummy tension, lack of communication, and chaos on the set, Maggie Knox added many fun, quirky touches to the story which brought it to technicolor life for me. From Max’s adorable dog and his rather unusual hobby to Sadie’s beloved Gran keeping her on her toes, I found myself chuckling several times. There was a nice balance, though, with some more serious scenes sprinkled in–particularly when it came to Sadie’s current family situation and Max’s pension for melancholy around the holidays. It felt genuine. And learning more about each of their pasts made me understand them, and their decisions, better.

QOTD: Are you a fan of any of the competitive TV music reality shows, past or present?

Book Info:

Publication: Published October 4th 2022 | G.P. Putnam’s Sons |

True love wasn’t on their holiday wish list.

When Sadie and Max are selected as contestants on the famed reality singing show Starmaker, each thinks they’ve finally gotten their big Nashville break. But then they’re paired up for duet week and stun the world with their romantic onstage chemistry. With fans going wild for #Saxie the network demands that they remain a duo on and offstage, or exit the competition. Faking a relationship until their final performance in the Starmaker holiday special shouldn’t be too hard, except for one small problem–Sadie and Max can’t stand each other.

But with their dreams just within reach, they agree to the ruse. Will their fake relationship be exposed before they can win? Or will an unexpected trip to Banff spark real feelings by the Christmas finale?



6 Responses to “REVIEW: All I Want for Christmas by Maggie Knox”

    • Michele H

      Thanks, Kathleen! I hope you got to read this by the holiday. What a fun–but heartfelt–story it turned out to be. Happy reading!

    • shygirl19748

      Nice!! So glad you had a great time with this one, Sharlene! It had such a solid bunch of characters and of course the chemistry between Sadie & Max was intense. 🙂