REVIEW: Mr. Big Shot by R.S. Grey

Posted September 26th, 2023 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 4 comments


Mr. Big Shot by R.S. Grey: While most little girls were playing barbie dream house, young Scarlett was already plotting and planing how to become the best lawyer in the Elwood household. Now after completing her law degree and serving her internship it is finally time for Scarlett to live her dream of being a big time lawyer. With her dream finally in her reach all she needs to do is avoid senior partner Hudson Rhodes at all costs and she should be golden, this would be a piece of cake if only she had not been assigned to work directly under the no nonsense Hudson. Seeing as Hudson seems to hate her purely because of her last name, keeping her distance from him should be no trouble at all… that is until something changes, between the banter in the boardroom, the sparks late at night working over cases and some very not safe for work thoughts…

I just loved this book. Mr.Big Shot was absolute enemies to lovers, work place romance perfection. There was nothing not to love about this book, with an interesting and engaging storyline, fast paced chapters and such sassy characters, what more could you ask for in a book. Even though the actual romance was a slow burn and the majority of the storyline revolved around work I could not help but get invested in Scarlett and Hudson’s love story.

I just loved our leading lady, Scarlett was so driven and focused on achieving her goals and I really liked that she did not let her attraction to Hudson over shadow her job. I really liked that she was so sassy and did not shy away from going toe to toe with Hudson even though he was technically her boss. She stood her ground even when it came to proving to her father and brothers that she was as good a lawyer as any of them. Most of all I loved that she did not ride on her fathers coattails to gain her place at the law firm, she worked just as hard if not harder than any of the other first years. As for our grumpy, grouchy hero Hudson, well I loved getting to see him falling hard for Scarlett! For a guy so determined to put up this hard cold exterior Hudson was actually a sweetheart, I loved his relationship with his mother, sister and his niece and nephew, but most of all I loved his relationship with his elderly secretary Lucy. These two were just the cutest little team, I loved the way Hudson would let Lucy get away with steamrolling her way.

The chemistry between Hudson and Scarlett was HOT!! I loved that at first they assumed that they were so different from each other but as they got to know each other they both soon realised that they are actually very much a like. The banter and playfulness that crept into their work was just perfection, these two just could not help but connect on some level or the other. As for the angsty build up well lets just say it was so worth it getting to see Hudson a guy that was so sure that he had no time for anything other than work falling first. I have to say I liked that Grey added in a bit of the fake turned real trope into this novel with Hudson and Scarlett’s deal.

I really liked all the supporting characters. Hudson’s family was great and I loved how easily his mother and Scarlett clicked. The Elwood’s were just perfect, I loved the fact that they all hated Scarlett’s ex. But most of all I loved that her father was playing matchmaker all along.

Mr. Big Shot is pure romcom perfection, this book is a TOTAL MUST READ! With sparky banter, easy to love characters and some deliciously slow burn romance this book had everything that I love about reading an R.S Grey novel!

Book Info:

Publication: September 28, 2023 | R.S. Grey |

While most little girls grow up idolizing Ariel or Belle, I was banging a plastic gavel and pretending to be Judge Judy. I spent my summers divorcing Barbie and Ken and splitting their Dreamhouse assets. Now, my goal to become the very best acquisitions lawyer at the top firm in Chicago is within reach.

I’m one month into my big-girl job at Elwood Hoyt, venti Starbucks in hand, ready to take on the day. The sleek elevator doors are about to close…then he steps in after me. Hudson Rhodes—the one senior partner I was told to avoid at all costs—just so happens to be the heartless villain I’m assigned to work under.

Ever since he found out who I am— the Scarlett Elwood—we’ve been enemies, the sort who constantly bicker and bark, take jabs in the boardroom, and occasionally pop up shirtless in each other’s steamy dreams. Y’know, that kind . He has to know I could run to my dad at any time and demand his firing, but his confident smirk says he knows I’d never give him the satisfaction.

The elevator chimes as we reach our floor, and I feel his broad shoulders pull even with mine. Fury mixes with fear, hatred with lust. He turns to briefly hold my gaze before confidently stepping out in front. His message is

If I want to reach my goal, I’m going to have to go through him first.



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