REVIEW: The Christmas Cottage by Christine Rimmer

Posted November 25th, 2023 by in Blog, Harlequin Mills&Boon, HJ Recommends, Review, Special Edition. / 8 comments


The Christmas Cottage by Christine Rimmer: Workaholic Alexandra “Alex” Herrera has everything in her life planned, as she always wanted; she was a rising star at a prestigious law firm in Portland and about to get her final goal, a partner’s share, with all the benefits it entails. Then her father, who have never been in her life, dies and left her all his estate to Alex, unsettling her. At the end, and following an advice in a fortune cookie, she decides to quit her job and go back to Wild Rose her family’s farm to think what will ne her next step. As soon as she arrives, she gets an unexpected notice. She has to share her cottage with Weston “Wes” Wright, her sister’s husband’s twin brother, because she has the only available room in the farm and he’s family, so they shouldn’t let West be alone in an hotel for the Holidays.

This is a logical and practical solution, right? But here’s the thing: Alex and West have a secret nobody knows. At their respective sister and brother’s wedding night, Alex and Weston spend a passionate night together and promised to each other that it would never happen again. They didn’t want the complications a relationship has in their lives.

Alex is in a very confusing moment in her life. With an almost unknown father dead, she struggles with her feelings towards him. In the second book of the series, I loved her workaholic personality and her strong, almost cold behavior. Always being a woman with a structured life, she’s a bit shaken in this book, as she sees herself in an unexpected situation, without a job and trying to find the right path for her life. West, on his part, was always lighthearted and carefree. As the youngest twin, he used to rely on his brother Easton when things gone bad. But when his best friend Leo dies, guilty rose and makes him a bit uncertain about everything. That said, West is a very strong and capable man.

Both Alex and Weston are very alike; they have great chemistry. Even though their time spend in bed is hot and alluring, their scenes outside of the bedroom is what makes the couple’s bond grow stronger, making their romance credible.

As the third and last book in the Wild Rose trilogy, we see characters from previous books. I liked a lot Easton, West’s brother, and their bond as twins is interesting. Also, Alex’s sisters amd West’s parents are great here.

I really enjoyed this book because it has a smart writing. The reading is fast and easy, with some clever and sometimes emotional moments. The way Ms. Rimmer plays with the times, going from present to past and vice versa is the work of a very skilled writer. And the ending of the book is marvelous. A great ending for this cute series.

Book Info:

Publication: October 25, 2022 | Harlequin Special Edition | Wild Rose Sisters #3

A fortune cookie changes everything in New York Times bestselling author Christine Rimmer’s latest book in the Wild Rose Sisters series!

“Do it now…”

And change everything!

By the book success story Alexandra Herrera’s got it all mapped out: partner at a law firm, high-powered career. But when her birth father leaves her an unexpected inheritance—prompted by a random fortune cookie—she impulsively walks away from her entire life! And now that she’s snowed in with West Wright, she learns that lightning really can strike twice. So much, in fact, that the sparks between them could melt any ice storm…if only they’d let them!

From Harlequin Special Edition: Believe in love. Overcome obstacles. Find happiness.

Wild Rose Sisters

Book 1: The Father of Her Sons
Book 2: First Comes Baby…
Book 3: The Christmas Cottage



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