REVIEW: Hate Me Under the Mistletoe by Kelly Jamieson

Posted November 26th, 2023 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 5 comments

Hate Me Under the Mistletoe by Kelly Jamieson: Amy just needs a bit of down time with her work and personal life having taken a bit  beating she is in desperate need of some me time and when better than over the Christmas break to hightail it to the mountains after all Amy isn’t one for all the cheer and fuss that everyone puts on for the holidays. The last thing Amy could have ever expected was for her little escape into seclusion to be crashed by non other than her old crush Ryder! If this wasn’t bad enough did the man really have to catch her in such a precarious situation and now be stuck with her in the cabin due to such bad weather? Can’t a girl catch a break really?

I do love a good forced proximity romance and add in the grump/sunshine trope to the mix and I was completely sold on this hockey romance. Gosh I just loved this book cover, there was just something so steamy cute about it that had me wanting to knock this book to the top of my tbr with just the look of the cover!

First of can I just say how much I loved that both of our main characters were hockey players and already shared this connection. Also how cool was Amy a former hockey player turned coach! My heart really went out to Amy in this book, not only did she have some big shoes to fill with her entire family being part of the hockey world but then to have her heart broken and have the very same guy going for her dream job! No wonder she was so crabby! As for her past connection to Ryder well as much as I wanted to be on her team for this one, Ryder had my full backing. I loved the way the entire thing was explained and that Ryder was actually the good guy all along.

To be fair the real star of this book hands down goes to our boy Ryder. I loved his character to bits, not only was he an all round sweetheart but I loved that he had so much of festive cheer. Also how can you not love a guy that wants to save the environment? Did Ryder manage the situation when they were teens well, nope not really but you have got to give the guy best for trying to be honourable. As a couple these two were just perfect for each other but boy did it take us a while to finally get there!

Hate Me Under The Mistletoe was the perfect fast read filled with cheeky kisses, naked dances and some cute cat videos! The only thing I would say that was missing is a an epilogue to tie up Amy and Ryders story.  All in all I would definitely recommend adding this cute second chance, enemies to lovers Christmas romcom to your TBR list!

Book Info:

Publication: October 26th 2021 | Kelly Jamieson | Romancing the Rink #1

What happens under the mistletoe stays under the mistletoe…

Amy’s life isn’t living up to the famous Heller family brand—her love life and her career—and she just wants to be alone for Christmas. So she takes off to a friend’s secluded mountain cabin. Ho fu*king ho.

Ryder’s workaholic tendencies have made him super successful in his business, but he hasn’t spent time with family for years. That’s all he wants this Christmas, plus a little down time at a cabin in the mountains. He loves Christmas and can’t wait for the family ugly sweater contest!

When Ryder walks in on Amy at an “awkward” moment, she can’t believe the man she’s hated since she was sixteen has shown up here. He has to leave. But Mother Nature has other ideas when a blizzard shuts down the entire region…

Amy thinks a good place for Ryder’s Christmas cheer is up his ass. Ryder thinks Amy’s grown up into a smokin’ hot babe. Christmas is all about giving, and he’s got a really big package for Amy. Maybe naughty is the new nice…



5 Responses to “REVIEW: Hate Me Under the Mistletoe by Kelly Jamieson”

  1. Glenda M

    Thanks so much for the review! I just discovered this book is only 99cents right now.