REVIEW: The Reason I Married Him by Meghan Quinn

Posted February 6th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 11 comments


The Reason I Married Him by Meghan Quinn:  If being left at the alter isn’t a big enough blow to Wyatt’s already bruised heart, he now has to face the very real possibility of losing his grandfathers beloved cabin to his annoying cousin! If Wyatt has any hope of saving the cabin then he needs to find himself a wife and fast! Which is how he finds limself in Almond Bay making a deal with Aubree. Her hand, for his land. Its a simple exchange really, one that was supposed to equally benefit both of them, they get married so that Wyatt can inherit the cabin and in exchange he will sign over his rights to the farm land that his late brother and her sister own. There is absolutely nothing that Aubree wouldn’t do to gain full ownership of her sisters farm and if that means that she needs to suck it up and play happy couple with Mr Sunshine, then that is exactly what she will do, the only problem is somewhere between all the public hand holding, cheeky bum pinches and whispered promises, Aubree is beginning to wonder just where did the faking it stop and her real feelings for Wyatt begin to form…

OMG YES!!! Quinn just combined all of my favourite tropes together to deliver one incredible romcom! The Reason I Married Him is the perfect medley of grump meets sunshine, fake relationship, marriafe of convienence,  small town romance, forced proximity, enemies to lovers with some delicious banter thrown in to sweeten the plot. There was absolutely nothing that I did not love about this book, along with creating great characters, Quinn managed to touch on a number of sensitive topics while still maintaining a lightness to the overall feel of the book.

Aubree was an incredible leading lady, after having a rough childhood, she has gone on to make sure that she is never left at anyones mercy. There were moments that she might have come across as a bit cold but I don’t think this was intentional, it was more of her way to insure that her heart is kept safe. If you have been following this series then you would know that she is the Rowley that is kind of left behind and in this book we really get to see things from her side, and understand the reason that she is the way she is in all of the other books. Though I do have to say that I loved how loyal and protective she was of all the people that she loves and holds dear. Truly it was beautiful getting to see Aubree lower her guard and finally allow love into her heart. Now for our hero, well Wyatt was pure hero goals! This guy was kind, caring, patient, gentle but dominate at all the right moments. Simply put he was perfect. I loved that he was so patient with Aubree and that he truly helped her come out of her shell and see that she is worth loving and being happy. He truly helped her overcome her mental barriers while being charming and swoony. Also I loved how he so easily got all the residents of Almond Bay to love his easy going nature and charm.

I just loved Wyatt and Aubree together, these two could not have been better suited for each other. Add in the fact that Wyatt was the sunshine to their duo and I was totally smitten. I just loved their banter and the playfulness that they shared, but more than this I loved the heartfelt bond that they created. They learned to lean on each other and rely on each other. Also there was a pretty good amount of heat that made this romance all the more perfect.

The Reason I Married Him was just perfection, this romcom has heart, giggles, romance and oh so much banter. I absolutely loved following Aubree and Wyatt as they fell in love. This book is a total MUST READ!!

Book Info:

Publication: February 6, 2024 | Meghan Quinn |

He proposed . . . and I said yes.
Normally a jovial occasion for a couple in love, but this proposal has a very different feel.
Because the man that I’ll be calling my husband blew into town with one thing on his mind . . . to make my life a living nightmare.

So why did I say yes?

Well, because we both need something from each other.

Namely, I want the farm land he currently owns, and he needs a wife in order to inherit his family cabin in his grandfather’s will.

So as he so eloquently put it, my hand, for his land.

At first, I thought the idea was nuts.
Who really gets married out of convenience?
Apparently, I do.

And now we have to sell our relationship to the town. Meaning, we’re holding hands, he’s pinching my cheeks . . . upper and lower. We’re even forced to share the one-bedroom guest house on the farm where his monstrous body is taking up a large percentage of the bed.

But we’re so persuasive about our farse, that now I’m starting to think he actually might like me. Especially when he grabs me by the wrist and teases the shell of my ear as he whispers, “Mine.”



11 Responses to “REVIEW: The Reason I Married Him by Meghan Quinn”

  1. noraadrienne

    I would love to read it but it’s not available in any of our county libraries at this time. Hopefully it will show up in Brooklyn or Queens in the near future.

  2. Texas Book Lover

    I recently read my first Meghan Quinn book an ended up reading seven in a row they were sooo good! I’ll definitely be reading this one very soon too!