REVIEW: You or Someone Like You by Winter Renshaw

Posted July 27th, 2023 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 6 comments

You or Someone Like You by Winter Renshaw: There really is nothing that Sloane wouldn’t do for her identical twin sister Margoux, even if that means agreeing to stand in for Margoux on a blind date with her bosses nephew. What was supposed to be a simple boring blind date with a guy that neither sister had any intention of getting involved with soon turns into a massive messy web of lies that Sloane can’t seem to untangle herself from without hurting someone she cares about in the process.

So what is a girl to do when she finds the guy of her dreams, starts to fall in love, but he has no idea who she really is? The question is can Sloane explain this little twin swap escapade and get Roman to forgive her or has she lost her one chance at a fairytale worthy love story?

You Or Someone Like You was easily the best book that I have read this year! There was just something about this book that called to my heart and just would not leave. I have been a fan of Renshaw’s for some time now but this book just hit me differently, I’m not sure what it was about Sloane and Roman that really stole my heart but all I can say is that their story stayed with me well after finishing their book. This book was the perfect balance between sweet cute silly romcom and emotionally charged will they or won’t they angst. I think the fact that we got to see the story unfold from both Roman and Sloane’s point of view made it a lot easier to connect with.

“I’ve been living in the dark for so long, and for the first time in years, I feel like someone has come along with a candle to show me the way out.”

I think Sloane was one of the kindest most giving characters that I have read to date, she was so selfless in all that she did. I really loved her character to bits, she truly did not have a malicious bone in her body. I really liked the fact that Sloane was such a hard worker and she did not get impressed by Roman’s wealth, but rather with his love and passion for art.I loved the fact that she was the polar opposite of her sister, these two could not be more different and this was highlighted many a times throughout the novel, suffice to say Margoux was not my favourite character by a long shot.

Gosh I’m really a sucker for the whole sad single dad trope and this was our hero Roman down to a tee. I just adored how hands on he was with his daughters and so much of what he was trying to do was so that they did not feel the lack of having a mother. This guy was just precious, he wanted to stay true to his late wife even if that meant not living himself. Thankfully we have a meddlesome aunt here that gives him a much needed push to get back into the dating world. I loved seeing Roman try to keep his emotions locked up and keep Sloane at arms length but these two were just meant to be, that it was impossible.

Sloane and Roman could not have been more perfect for each other, their shared love for art only highlighted their connection. I just loved getting to see the build up of their relationship from forced to be on a date, to mildly curious, to flirty cute and ultimately to a beautiful all consuming love. I just loved the way that Renshaw added in bits of Roman’s late wife Emma bring him and Sloane together, this had a nice little serendipitous feel.

You Or Someone Like You is a MUST READ, this book was a heartbreaking, warms your soul kind of read that will definitely be going down in my top ten of 2023 romance novels! Do yourself a favour and get a copy of this book asap!

Book Info:

Publication: July 18, 2023 | Montlake |

Being an identical twin has its perks, but when my sister asked me to sub in for a date with Roman Bellisario, I wasn’t exactly thrilled. Sure, he’s sinfully handsome and successful, but he also got me fired from my dream job three years ago.

This time, my sister’s promotion is riding on this date, so I have to say yes. And as it turns out, we’re strangely perfect for each other. I sell art. He collects it. We’re both obsessed with the same obscure, mysterious artist that most people don’t even know exists.

Roman is guarded, though, and I can understand why. He’s a widowed single dad. But as one date leads to another, he starts to let me in, and I can’t help but fall for him.

The problem is Roman still thinks I’m my sister. Is our twin swap going to be the best thing that ever happened to me and Roman—or the lie that tears us apart?



6 Responses to “REVIEW: You or Someone Like You by Winter Renshaw”

  1. Glenda M

    Thanks for the review! This is one that makes me wish I bothered with KU since it is currently free there.