REVIEW: My Scandalous Duke by Theresa Romain

Posted November 22nd, 2016 by in Blog, Regency - Historical Romance, Review / 1 comment


My-Scandalous-DukeMy Scandalous Duke by Theresa Romain: In a quick heartbeat one can realize what has been in front of your face for years. But how do you know how to stop things already in motion? Ms. Romain has given her readers a quick novella addressing these ideas.

The descriptions are captivating and the plot humorous and propelling. This historical is a good quick story which will make you smile with it’s happily ever after.

Book Info:

03S Published November 15th 2016 | ? |

Lady Eleanor Palmer, a practical young widow, wants a family of her own. Her first marriage was an adventurous disaster, so this time, nothing but the most proper sort of man will do. Absolutely not who she’s looking for? The impulsive, roguish Duke of Hampshire…even though she has secretly loved him as long as she can remember.

Nicholas Langford, the Duke of Hampshire, has always relied on Eleanor’s humor and good sense. Who else would guide him through a scandal with laughter and grace? He would do anything to ensure his old friend’s happiness—even help Eleanor find a suitable new husband.

As Eleanor makes plans for a new life without him at its center, Nicholas realizes the depth of his own feelings. But he can offer Eleanor nothing she thinks she wants. How can he convince her he is everything she truly desires?



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