Tag: Karen

REVIEW: Unlocking the Doctor’s Heart by Susanne Hampton
14th Apr / 0 Comments

REVIEW: Unlocking the Doctor’s Heart by Susanne Hampton

Unlocking the Doctor’s Heart by Susanne Hampton: Beth is tired of playing second – or even third fiddle to her father’s ‘replacement’ family, so the temporary posting in Australia is just what the Doctor ordered. Some time away from London, basking in warmer weather, maybe even doing some things to […]

REVIEW: Rocked by Taryn Elliott & Cari Quinn
10th Apr / 13 Comments

REVIEW: Rocked by Taryn Elliott & Cari Quinn

Rocked by Taryn Elliott & Cari Quinn: After all the shit they’d been through, Deacon almost couldn’t believe Oblivion was on tour – and opening for Rebel Rage. Things weren’t perfect though, they were still worried about whether they’d get a record deal at the end of the tour, and if […]

REVIEW: Awakened By His Touch by Nikki Logan
9th Apr / 3 Comments

REVIEW: Awakened By His Touch by Nikki Logan

Awakened By His Touch by Nikki Logan: Elliot knows he has a gold mine on his hands. The Morgan’s bee farm can do – no can BE so much more. And Laney Morgan is the hinge upon which it all swings. But for some reason, she’s content to stay stagnant. She […]

REVIEW: Playing It Close by Kat Latham
8th Apr / 2 Comments

REVIEW: Playing It Close by Kat Latham

Playing It Close by Kat Latham: When Tess’ cousin offered her a chance to get away from London and the shitstorm in which she was stuck, she jumped at the chance. She wanted to be as under the radar as possible, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want to live […]

REVIEW: Road Trip with the Eligible Bachelor by Michelle Douglas
5th Apr / 0 Comments

REVIEW: Road Trip with the Eligible Bachelor by Michelle Douglas

Road Trip with the Eligible Bachelor by Michelle Douglas: A station wagon? Really? Quinn had booked an SUV a month ahead of time, and an airline strike had single-handedly put a huge dent in the plans she had. Moving across the country with her two boys needed to be like […]

REVIEW: Holiday with a Stranger by Christy McKellen
4th Apr / 2 Comments

REVIEW: Holiday with a Stranger by Christy McKellen

Holiday with a Stranger by Christy McKellen When Josie’s business partner ordered her on a forced holiday, she wasn’t going to take it lying down. She had her laptop, and as sumptuous as the French farmhouse in the countryside was, she’d continue to work as inspiration hit. It just so […]

REVIEW: Flirting with the Forbidden by Joss Wood
3rd Apr / 2 Comments

REVIEW: Flirting with the Forbidden by Joss Wood

Flirting with the Forbidden by Joss Wood: When Morgan offered herself to Noah Fraser on a silver platter and he rejected her, she never expected to see him again. In fact, she was so humiliated, she was *hoping* she’d never see him again. When he shows up to take care of […]

REVIEW: The Plus-One Agreement by Charlotte Phillips
2nd Apr / 0 Comments

REVIEW: The Plus-One Agreement by Charlotte Phillips

The Plus-One Agreement by Charlotte Phillips: Emma and Dan were perfect for each other. At least in the sense that they looked nice together, knew how to navigate business dinners, and kept Emma’s family off her back. Their long-term fake dating agreement wasn’t enough for her anymore though, and it […]

REVIEW: Risk Of A Lifetime by Caroline Anderson
19th Mar / 5 Comments

REVIEW: Risk Of A Lifetime by Caroline Anderson

Risk Of A Lifetime by Caroline Anderson: Annie does *not* want the voice behind her to look like it sounds. Because that would be trouble. But she isn’t that lucky. Ed Shackleton is better looking than he has a right to be. He’s a great doctor too, and he’s nice, and […]