Tag: Harlequin American

REVIEW: The SEAL’s Christmas Twins by Laura Altom
20th Dec / 0 Comments

REVIEW: The SEAL’s Christmas Twins by Laura Altom

In The SEAL’s Christmas Twins by Laura Altom, Mason Brown left his hometown Conifer, Alaska after his divorce from the woman he thought he loved with everything in him. He worked hard as a fisherman to provide for her, but after she lost their baby and he had to go […]

REVIEW: Second Chance Christmas by Tanya Michaels
13th Dec / 1 Comment

REVIEW: Second Chance Christmas by Tanya Michaels

In Second Chance Christmas by Tanya Michaels, Elisabeth Donnelly is known as the quiet, reserved, mature and responsible Donnelly twin. So when she started dating Justin Cade, whom at the time was working for her family as a hiking guide, she was encouraged by her sister to do what she […]

REVIEW: The Texas Christmas Gift by Cathy Gillen Thacker
11th Dec / 0 Comments

REVIEW: The Texas Christmas Gift by Cathy Gillen Thacker

In The Texas Christmas Gift by Cathy Gillen Thacker, Eve Loughlin knows that the one thing she does not want is marriage or family. She knows what it’s like to b on the other side of a parents divorce and hate and she does not want any child of hers […]

REVIEW: His Christmas Sweetheart by Cathy McDavid
7th Dec / 1 Comment

REVIEW: His Christmas Sweetheart by Cathy McDavid

In His Christmas Sweetheart by Cathy McDavid, Miranda Staley is the owner and nurse running a home for elderly residents. After the fire that burned half of Sweetheart, Nevada, Miranda swore that she would stay and help bring the town back to life. But things are not easy, she is […]

REVIEW: A Small Town Thanksgiving by Marie Ferrarella
27th Nov / 0 Comments

REVIEW: A Small Town Thanksgiving by Marie Ferrarella

In A Small Town Thanksgiving by Marie Ferrarella, Miguel Rodriguez Senior has just found a trunk full of old journals written by his great great great grandmother about a time when the natives captured her and what she went through, up in his attic. Now Miguel wants to have someone […]

REVIEW: A Cowboy’s Christmas Wedding by Pamela Britton
12th Nov / 4 Comments

REVIEW: A Cowboy’s Christmas Wedding by Pamela Britton

In A Cowboy’s Christmas Wedding by Pamela Britton, Cabe Jensen hates Christmas since he lost his beloved wife in an accident. She used to love Christmas and since then, everything related to Christmas reminds him of her and his loss, especially since he not only lost his wife, he also […]

REVIEW: A Callahan Christmas Miracle by Tina Leonard
9th Nov / 0 Comments

REVIEW: A Callahan Christmas Miracle by Tina Leonard

In A Callahan Christmas Miracle by Tina Leonard, Rose Carstairs has been secretly interested in Galen Callahan since the first time she met him. But he never seemed interested in her or in anything permanent with anyone. But when a job opening as a nanny at Rancho Diablo was announced, […]

REVIEW: Big Sky Christmas by C.J. Carmichael
5th Nov / 0 Comments

REVIEW: Big Sky Christmas by C.J. Carmichael

In Big Sky Christmas by C.J. Carmichael, Jackson Stone has always been grateful to the Lamberts for taking him in and giving him a family when he most needed it. But after the death of Brock, for which he still blames himself, he can’t be near them for the guilt […]

REVIEW: A Rancher’s Christmas by Ann Roth
22nd Oct / 2 Comments

REVIEW: A Rancher’s Christmas by Ann Roth

In A Rancher’s Christmas by Ann Roth, Gina Arnett is on her way to becoming the next vice president of one of the biggest marketing companies in Chicago. But right before Thanksgiving she receives a call from one of her uncles, to let her know that her uncle Lucky has […]